馮起,男,漢族,中國科學院寒區(qū)旱區(qū)環(huán)境與工程研究所副所長,研究員,博士生導師。國家杰出青年基金獲得者、中國科學院“百人計劃”入選者、“新世紀百千萬人才工程”人選。中國科學院寒區(qū)旱區(qū)環(huán)境與工程研究所水文土壤資源研究室主任,阿拉善生態(tài)水文試驗研究站站長,中科院內(nèi)陸河流域生態(tài)水文重點實驗室副主任。現(xiàn)為聯(lián)合國重要刊物“Natural Resources Forum”執(zhí)行編委、“Water Science and Engineering刊物編委、“Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions”執(zhí)行副主編,“中國沙漠”、“高原氣象”、“干旱區(qū)地理”等刊物常務編委;為中國環(huán)境學會地學分會副理事長、中國地理學會沙漠分會常務理事、中國自然資源學會水資源專業(yè)委員會委員。 1996至1996年為進入中國科學院冰川凍土研究所水文學博士后,主要從事干旱地區(qū)水文、水資源與環(huán)境研究。曾獲得中國科學院院長獎學金特別獎、首屆優(yōu)秀博士后獎和王寬誠科研獎金;獲得中國地理學會第四屆青年地理科技獎、日本國科學技術(shù)協(xié)會的STA和JSPS FELLOW;獲以色列農(nóng)業(yè)部MASHAV FELLOW和美國NRC Fellow稱號。參與完成的九五國家重點攻関項目"黑河流域水資源承載力及可持続発展研究"的研究和國家重點基金項目"黑河流域水土平衡的試験的研究",改進國外的成熟的模型和方法,建立完整的干旱沙漠地區(qū)的三水転換的模型,為中國干旱地區(qū)合理利用水資源提供理論依據(jù)。完成黑河下游三水転換模型的相関數(shù)據(jù)庫,并建立干旱地區(qū)三水転換模型。添襠黑河下游科學研究的空白。進行了內(nèi)陸河流域生態(tài)環(huán)境演變過程、發(fā)展趨勢以及影響機制的研究,清晰地描繪出塔里木河和黑河流域地區(qū)生態(tài)環(huán)境在不同時間和空間尺度上的歷史演化軌跡;對黑河流域水資源承載力進行研究,明確黑河流域現(xiàn)狀水資源承載能力,對未來水資源承載能力進行預測。從1992-1997年共主持一項農(nóng)業(yè)開發(fā)項目,兩項開放站課題,兩項獎勵課題,一項博士后基金,一項"九·五"國家重點攻關(guān)課題的子課題和兩項中日合作的研究項目。參加六項國家"七·五","八·五"科技攻關(guān)和開發(fā)課題,其中參加的"黃淮海淺平洼地綜合整治"獲中國科學院科技進步一等獎和國家科技進步特等獎;于1992年以來合作從事的"八·五"國家重點攻關(guān)項目"塔里木沙漠石油公路工程技術(shù)"在1995年先后獲石油天然氣總公司科技進步一等獎和國家十大科技進步成就獎,1996年國家科技進步特等獎。1999年參加的"九·五"重大項目"黑河流域水資源承載力及可持續(xù)發(fā)展的研究" 在2000年獲甘肅科技進步一等獎。
1.1996年12月獲中國科學院院長獎學金特別獎。 2.1997年12月獲中國地理學會第四屆青年地理科技獎。 3.1998年12月獲中國科學院首屆優(yōu)秀博士后獎。 4.1998年獲日本國科學技術(shù)協(xié)會的STA FELLOW稱號。 5.2000年獲中國科學院王寬誠科研獎金。 6.2000年獲日本國文部省的JSPS FELLOW稱號。 7.2002年獲美國國家研究協(xié)會的會員稱號和NRC FELLOW。 8.2004年獲以色列農(nóng)業(yè)部MASHAV FELLOW稱號。 9.2005年獲“全國優(yōu)秀博士后”稱號。 10.2006年獲第五屆甘肅省青年科技獎。 11.2007年獲得中國科學院王寬誠科研獎金。 12.2007年獲得國家杰出青年基金。 13.2008年獲國務院政府津貼。 14.2008年入選甘肅省“奧運火炬手”。 15.2009年入選國家級“新世紀百千萬人才工程”人選。 16.2009年獲得澳大利亞行政管理“奮進獎學金”。 17.2010年獲得中國科學院王寬誠西部貢獻獎。 18.2010年獲得“全國優(yōu)秀科技工作者”榮譽稱號。
正在執(zhí)行的項目: 1.澳大利亞自然基金,系統(tǒng)性和適應性水管理——澳大利亞吸取中國和南非水問題教訓,2010年-1013年,項目第三負責人。(LP100100546) 2.國家自然基金項目,內(nèi)陸河荒漠植被系統(tǒng)對水文過程的響應模擬,2010-2012年,項目負責人。(20970492) 3.杰出青年基金項目,荒漠綠洲水文—生態(tài)耦合試驗研究,2008年1月—2011年12月,項目負責人。 4.國家11.5科技支撐計劃課題“民勤-雅布賴風沙口綜合治沙技術(shù)集成試驗示范”,2007年10月—2010年10月,項目負責人。 5.國家自然基金項目,荒漠綠洲水文—生態(tài)耦合試驗研究,2007年1月—2009年12月,項目負責人。 6.973項目“干旱區(qū)綠洲化、荒漠化過程及其對人類活動、氣候變化的響應與調(diào)控”,2009年-2012年,項目子課題負責人。 7.國家科技部“重大基礎研究前期研究專項”,GSPAC 系統(tǒng)水、汽、墊、溶質(zhì)運移系數(shù)的模擬推定與實用性評價,2006年1月-2007年12月,項目主持人。 8.中國科學院知識創(chuàng)新工程重大項目“黑河水資源高效利用與天然綠洲修復試驗示范”,210萬,2005年1月-2009年12月,項目主持人。 9.院地共建項目,內(nèi)蒙古自治區(qū)阿拉善左旗溫都爾圖西灘地表水資源評價,2007年5月—2009年5月,項目主持人。 10.甘肅省水文水資源勘測局 “東鄉(xiāng)縣董嶺鄉(xiāng)農(nóng)村飲水安全工程水資源論證報告編制”,項目主持人, 2007年-2009年。 11.中國科學院創(chuàng)新團隊國際合作伙伴計劃,干旱區(qū)內(nèi)陸河流域水問題基礎研究第三課題“黑河流域水循環(huán)與水資源”,2005年10月-2008年10月,項目主持人。 已結(jié)題的項目: 1.中國科學院“百人計劃”項目,內(nèi)陸河流域水熱動力模擬,2002年8月-2005年8月,項目主持人。 2.中國科學院知識創(chuàng)新工程重大項目 “內(nèi)陸河流域(黑河)水-土-氣-生觀測與綜合研究”,2002年-2005年,子課題負責人。 3.塔里木石油指揮部,塔里木石油公路地下水資源補給分析,2002年1月-2005年1月,項目第二主持人。 4.中國科學院知識創(chuàng)新工程重大項目“黑河流域水-生態(tài)-經(jīng)濟綜合管理試驗示范” 的子課題“額濟納綠洲生態(tài)環(huán)境綜合治理試驗示范”,2003年1月-2004年12月,項目主持人。 5.中國科學院優(yōu)秀博士后獎勵課題,黑河下游三水轉(zhuǎn)換規(guī)律的研究,1998年-2000年,項目主持人。 6.中國科學院王寬誠科研獎金,黑河下游三水轉(zhuǎn)換模型的建立,2003月-2001年12月,項目主持人。 7.日本振興學會資助項目,近地面層水熱交換的時間和空間模擬,1998年8月-2000年3月,項目第二主持人。 8.日本文部省資助項目,大氣污染層交換的時間和空間模擬,2000年4月-2003年4月,項目第二主持人。 9.“九·五”國家重點科技攻關(guān)計劃項目,黑河流域水資源合理利用與社會經(jīng)濟和生態(tài)環(huán)境協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展研究的子課題,額濟納地區(qū)天然綠洲向人工綠洲轉(zhuǎn)化研究,1996年3月-1998年12月,項目主持人。 10.國家重點基金項目,黑河流域水資源承載力及可持續(xù)發(fā)展的研究,1998年7月-2000年12月,項目第五主持人; 11.國家博士后基金,額濟納地區(qū)天然綠洲三水轉(zhuǎn)化研究,1996年-1998年,項目主持人。
共發(fā)表論文191篇,(SCI論文41篇;第一作者95篇)(最高影響因子達4.67)(引用次數(shù)達400次)出版專著6部 SCI 論文: 1. Li Qisen,Feng Qi,Zhai Luxin,2009. Study of the Height Growth Dynamic Based on Tree-ring Data in Populus euphratica from the Lower Reach of the Heihe River,China. Dendrochronologia,27⑵: 56-61 2.Luxin Zhai,Qi Feng,Qisen Li and Cundong Xu,2009. Comparison and Modification of Equations for Calculating Evapotransporation (FT) with Data from Gansu Province,Northwest China. Irrg. And Drain. 58:1-14 (SCI)(0.48) 3.Haiyang Xi,Qi Feng,Wei Liu,JianHua Si,Zongqiang Chang and Yonghong Su. The research of groundwater flow model in Ejina Basin,Northwestern China.Environmental Earth Sciences,10.1007/s1266 5-009-0231-1. 4.Qiaoling Guo,Qi Feng & Jianlin Li. Environmnetal changes after ecological water conveyance in the lower reaches of Heihe river,northwest China. Environ Geol.,2009,58:1387–1396. 5.Liu Wei,Cao Shengkui,Xi Haiyang,Feng Qi. Land use history and status of land desertification in the Heihe River basin. Nat Hazards,DOI 10.1007/s 1106 9-009-9429-5 (1.021). 6. Su Yonghong,Zhu Gaofeng,Miao Zewei,Feng Qi,Chang Zongqiang. Estimation of parameters of a biochemically based model of photosynthesis using a genetic algorithm. Plant,Cell & Environment,2009,32,1710–1723. (4.666) 7.Qi Feng,Wei Liu,Haiyang Xi. Relationship between soil physiochemistry and land degradation in the lower Heihe river basin of northwestern China. Front Earth Sci. China,2009,490-499. 8.Shixiong Cao,Xiuqing Wang,Yuezhen Song,Li Chen,Qi Feng. Impacts of the Natural Forest Conservation Program on the livelihoods of residents of Northwestern China: Perceptions of residents affected by the program. Ecological Economics,2009,1-9.(1.549).(0) 9.Luxin Zhai,Qi Feng. Spatial and temporal pattern of precipitation and drought in Gansu Province,Northwest China. Nat Hazards,2009,49:1–24 (0). Qi Feng,Zhuo Macuo,Xi Haiyang. Analysis of an oasis microclimate in China’s hyperarid zone. Environ Geol. 2009,58:963-972. (0.868)⑴ 10. Si Jianhua,Feng Qi,Wen Xiaohu,Su Yonghong,Xi Haiyang,Chang Zongqiang. Major ion chemistry of groundwater in the extreme arid region northwest China. Environmental Geology,2009,57:1079–1087 (SCI). (0.868)(0) 11.Jianlin Li,Qi Feng,Jianhua Si. Fractal study of sustainable proportions of nature and artifical oases. Environmental Geology,2008,Vol. 55⑺:1389-1396. (SCI) . (0.868)(0) 12.G. F. Zhu,Y. H. Su and Q. Feng. The hydrochemical characteristics and evolution of groundwater and surface water in the Heihe River Basin,northwest China. Hydrogeology Journal,2008,16⑴: 167–182.(1.288).⑶ 13.Zongqiangchang,Qi Feng,Jianhua Si,et al. Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Changes in Soil CO2 Flux in Alpine Meadow of Qilian Mountain,Environmental Geology,2008. DOI 10.1007/s002 54-008-1521-8. (SCI). (0.868)(0) 14.Y. H. Su.,G. F. Zhu.,Q. Feng.,et al. Environmental isotopic and hydrochemical study of groundwater in the Ejina Basin,northwest China. Environmental Geology,2008. DOI 10.1007/s0025 4-008-1534-3. (0.868)⑴ 15.Qiaoling Guo,Qi Feng,Jianlin Li. Environmental changes after ecological water conveyance in the lower reaches of Heihe River,northwest China. Environmental Geology,2008,DOI 10.1007/s002 54-008-1641-1. (0.868)⑴ 16. Li Jian-lin,Feng Qi,Si Jian-hua,Chang Zong-qiang,Su Yong-hong,Xi Hai-yang. Nonlinear analysis of root distribution of Populus euphratica forests in the extremely arid region-Ejina,Inner Mongolia in northern China. International Journal of automation and computing. 2007,29 ⑹: 109-114.(started in 2004).(0) 17.Shixiong Cao,Li Chen,Qi Feng,Zhande Liu. Sofe-rise bench terrace design for the hilly loess region of Shananxi Province,China,Landscape and Urban Planning,2007,80(1-2): 184-191.(1.633)⑴ 18. Su Yonghong,F(xiàn)eng Qi,Zhu Gaofeng,Si Jianhua,Zhang Yanwu. Identification and Evolution of Groundwater Chemistry in the Ejin Sub-Basin of the Heihe River,Northwest China,Pedosphere,2007,17⑶: 331-342. (1.817)⑴ 19. Si Jianhua,Qi Feng,Xiaoyou Zhang,Zongqiang Chang,Yonghong Su,Haiyang Xi. Sap Flow of Populus euphratica in Desert Riparian Forest in Extreme Arid Region during the Growing Season. Jouranl of Intergrative Plant Biology,2007,49⑷: 425-436. (0.671)(0) 20.Jianlin Li,Qi Feng,Qiaoling Guo. Study of sustainable proportions of natural and artificial oases,Environ Geol. 2007,1089. (0.868)(0) 21.Feng Qi,Wei Liu,Zhang Yanmwu Si Janhua,Su Yonghong,Chang Zongqiang and Xi Haiyang. Effect of climatic changes and human activity on soil carbon in desertified regions of China. Tellus,2006,58B,117-128. (2.543)(0) 22.Feng Q,W Liu. Environmental conditions leading to the formation of Holocene soil layers in the Northern Taklimakan desert,Tarim basin,Northwest China. Geological Journal,2005 40: 23-34.(1.017)⑵ 23.Feng Qi,Liu Wei,Si Jianhua,Su Yonghong,Zhang Yewu,Cang Zongqiang,Xi Haiyang. Environmental Effects of Water Resource Development and Use in the Tarim River Basin or Northwestern China. Environmental Geology,2005 48 ⑵: 202-210. (0.868)⑶ 24. Si Jianhua,Feng Qi,Zhang Yanwu,Liu Wei,Su Yonghong. Growing season evapotranspiration from Tamarix ramosissima stands under extreme arid conditions in northwest China. Environmental Geology,2005 48⑷: 861-870. (0.868)⑴ 25.Liu Wei,Feng Qi,Wang Tao,Zhang Y. W.,Shi J. H. Physicochemistry and mineralogy of storm dust and dust sediment in northern China. Advances in atmospheric Sciences,2004 21⑸: 775-783. (0.902)⑻ 26.Feng Qi,W Liu,Liu Y. S.,Yanwu Z,Yonghong S. Impact of desertification and global warming on soil carbon in northern China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres,2004 109 (D2): art. no.-D02104 JAN 27.(2.953)⑴ 27.Feng Qi,Yansui Liu,Masao Mikami. Geostatistical analysis of soil moisture variability in grassland. Journal of Arid Environment,2004 58⑶: 357-372.(1.349)⑵ 28.Feng Qi,Liu W,Su Y H,Zhang Y W,Si J H. Distribution and evolution of water chemistry in Heihe river basin. Environmental Geology,2004 45⑺: 947-956. (0.868)⑶ 29.Zhang Yanwu,Lu Shihu,Feng Qi,Huang J,Hu Z. Y. Offline experiment of landsurface processes in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. Sciences in China (D) (Suppl.1),2004,47: 115-121. (0.636) (0) 30.Qi Feng,Wei Liu. Water Resources management and rehabilitation in China. Journal of Experimental Botany,2003 54 (Suppl. 1): i49.(3.917)(0) 31.Wei Liu,Qi Feng. Water resource environment of the Heihe river basin. China. Journal of Experimental Botany,2003 54 (Suppl. 1): i48. (3.917)⑴ 32.Feng Q,Endo K N,Cheng G D. Soil carbon in desertified land in relation to site characteristics. GEODERMA,2002 106(1-2): 21-43. (1.77)(0) 33.Q Feng,K N Endo,G D Cheng. Dust Storms in China: a case study on dust storm variation and dust characteristics. Bulletin of International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment,2002 61: 253-261.(0.463).⑹ 34.Feng Qi,Kunihiko E,Cheng G. D. Soil water and chemical characteristics of sandy soils and their significance to land reclamation. Journal of Arid Environments,2002 51⑴: 35-54. (1.349).⑶ 35.Feng Qi,Cheng Guodong,Endo Kunihiko. Towards sustainable development of the environmentally degraded river Heihe basin,China. Hydrological Science Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques,2002 46 ⑸: 647-658.(0.885).⑺ 36.Feng Qi,Cheng Guodong,Mikami Masao. The carbon cycle of sandy lands and its global significance. Climate Changes,2001 48⑷: 535-549.(2.459)(22) 37.Feng Q,Endo K N,Cheng G D. Towards sustainable development of the environmentally degraded arid river of China -a case study from Tarim River. Environment Geology,2001 40 (1-2): 229-238. (0.868)⑻ 38.Feng Qi,Cheng Guodong,Endo Kunihiko. Water content variations and respective ecosystems of sandy land in China. Environmental Geology,2001 40 ⑼: 1075-1083. (0.868)⑻ 39.Feng Qi,Cheng Guodong,Endo Kunihiko. Carbon storage in the desertified lands: A case study from North China. GeoJournal,2001 51 ⑶: 181-189.(Impact factor unknown).⑹ 40.Feng Q,Cheng G D,Masao M K. Trends of water resource development and utilization in arid north-west China. Environment Geology,2000 39⑻: 831-838. (0.868)⒆ 41.Qi Feng,Cheng G D,Masao M. Water resources in China: Problems and Countermeasures. AMBIO,1999 28⑵: 202-203.(1.487).⒅ Feng Qi. Sustainable Utilization of Water Researches in Gansu Province. Chinese Journal of Arid Land Research,1999 11⑷: 293-299. (0.350).⑼ 42.Feng Qi,Su Zhizhu,Jin Huijun. Desert evolution and climatic changes in the Tarim River basin since 12 ka BP. Science in China (Series D),1999 42: 101-112.(0.456).⑺ 43.Qi Feng,Cheng Guodueng. Current situation,problems and rational utilization of water resources in arid north-western China. Journal of Arid Environments,1998,40⑷: 373-382. (1.349).⑵ EI論文: 1. Si Jianhua,Feng Qi,Xi Haiyang,Chang Zongqiang,Su Yonghong. Ejina desert oasis: A fragile “ecological screen” in inland region of northwest China.The 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2008). 2. Si Jianhua,Feng Qi,Li Jianlin,Zhao Jian. A Study of spatial distribution characteristics of fine roots of Populus euphratica in desert riparian forest. Frontiers of Forestry in China. 2008,3⑷:429-433. 3. Feng Qi,Liu Wei. Water resources management and rehabilitation in China. Pakistan Journal Social Sciences,2005 3 ⑵: 216-224. 4. Feng Qi. Problem of dry land development and use in China. Pakistan Journal Social Sciences,2005 3 ⑵: 225-234. 5 .Feng Qi,Su Yonghong,Liu Wei,Si Jianhua,Chang Congqiang,Zhang Yanwu.Carbon storage in the desertified land: A case study in North China. The proceedings of The Third International Nitrogen Conference (Editor by Xiang et al). 2005,Beijing/New York,Sciences Press,P 866. 6.姚濟敏,高曉清,馮起,張小由,谷良雷. 2006. 額濟納綠洲沙塵暴天氣下光合有效輻射的基本特征. 太陽能學報,27⑸: 484-488. (0.355).(Yao J M,Gao X Q,Feng Q,Zhang X Y,Gu L L. The photosynthestically active radiation during dust storm day in Ejina oasis. Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica). 7.司建華,馮起,張小由,張艷武,蘇永紅. 植物蒸騰量測定方法研究進展. 水科學進展,2005,16⑶:450-459.(0.574). (Si J H,Feng Q,Zhang X,Zhang Y W,Su Y H. Research progress on surveying and calculation of evapotranspiration of plants and its prospects. ADVANCES IN WATER SCIENCE). 8.Feng Qi,Liu Wei,Shi Jian Hua,Su Yonghong,Zhang Yanwu. Desertification and its Significance on Soil Carbon in Northern China. The proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology ⑴ (Editor by Feng et al). 2004,Beijing/New York,Sciences Press,P 746. 9.Li Qisen,Feng Qi,Zhao Wenzhi. Effect of water allocation of Heihe river on planting structure and stable development of ecosystem in Linze Oasis,Gansu: A case study in Pingchuan Irrigation District in Linze County at the Middle Reaches of Heihe river. 2005,No.2. 10. Li Qisen,Feng Qi,Zhao Wenzhi. Application study of th eGrass-livestock coupling within the Mountain-Oasis_desert compound system in Heihe river basin-Acase study of Linze oasis in Heihe river basin. 2005,No.3. 11. Feng Qi,Liu Wei,Shi Jianhua Chang Zongqiang Zhang Yanwu. Environmental Effects of Water Resource Development and Use in the Tarim River Basin or Northwestern China,The 7th Inter-Regional Conference on Environment-Water,2004CIGR International Conference. 11-14 Oct. 2004,Session 1 on Land and Water Use,Beijing,P. R. China. 非SCI和EI論文: 1.曹生奎,馮起,司建華,常宗強,席海洋,卓瑪措.辭植物水分利用效率研究方法綜述. 中國沙漠,2009,29⑸: 853-858. 2.賀纏生,Carlo DeMarchi,Thomas E.Croley,馮起,Tim Hunter. 基于分布式大流域徑流模型的中國西北黑河流域水文模擬. 冰川凍土,2009,31⑶:410-421 3.ZongQiang Chang,Qi Feng,YongHong Su,JianHua Si,HaiYang Xi,ShengKui Cao,Rui Guo. Influence of environmental,root,and stand parameters on soil surface CO2 efflux in a Populus euphratica of desert forest in extreme arid region. 2009,1⑷:0348-0355. 4.ChanSheng He,Carlo Demarchi,Thomas E. Croley Ⅱ,Qi Feng,Tim Hunter. Hydrologic modeling of the Heihe watershed by DLBRM in Northwest China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions,2009,1⑸:0432~0442. 5.Qi Feng,HaiYang Xi,Wei Liu,JianHua Si,ZongQiang Chang,YongHong Su. The research of three-dimensional numerical simulation of groundwater-flow: taking the Ejina Basin,Northwest China as example. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions,2009,1⑶: 0238–0248. 6.JianHua Si,Qi Feng,HaiYang Xi,ZongQiang Chang,YongHong Su,Kai Zhang. Sap-flow measurement and scale transferring from sample trees to entire forest stand of Populus euphratica in desert riparian forest in extreme arid region. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions,2009,1⑶:0258–0266. 7.Qi Feng,Wei Liu,Haiyang Xi,Dongli Liu. Hydrology of Heihe River within Arid Inland River Basin in Northwest China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions,2008,Initial: 80-91. (started in 2008).(0). 8.馮起. 水文研究動態(tài)及荒漠水文研究的進展.見: 442-454. 9.馮起. 開創(chuàng)極端干旱區(qū)生態(tài)水文研究,支撐荒漠綠洲生態(tài)穩(wěn)定建設——阿拉善生態(tài)—水文試驗研究站回顧與展望. 見:653-658. 10.肖洪浪,趙文智,馮起. 生態(tài)水文與流域科學重點實驗室.見: 567-571. 程國棟,肖洪浪,馮起,趙文智,徐中民著.黑河流域水-生態(tài)-經(jīng)濟系統(tǒng)綜合管理研究. 北京:科學出版社,2009:600. 11.馮起,張艷武,司建華,席海洋著.荒漠綠洲水熱過程與生態(tài)恢復技術(shù).北京:科學出版社,2009:P275. 12.馮起,張艷武,司建華,席海洋.土壤-植被-大氣模式中水分和能量傳輸研究進展. 中國沙漠,2009,29⑴:143-150.(1.228). 13.馮起,司建華,席海洋,常宗強,蘇永紅,曹生奎,郭瑞.極端干旱區(qū)典型植被耗水規(guī)律分析.中國沙漠,2008,28⑹:1095-1103. (1.228). 14.馮起,張艷武,司建華,席海洋. 黑河下游典型植被下墊面與大氣間能量傳輸模擬研究. 中國沙漠,2008,28⑹:1145-1150. (1.228). 15.馮起,司建華,李建林,席海洋. 胡楊根系分布特征與根系吸水模型建立. 地球科學進展,2008,23⑺: 765-772. (1.447). 16.翟祿新,馮起,張永明,郭瑞. 石羊河流域武威盆地水循環(huán)要素及變化趨勢分析.資源科學,2008,30⑽: 1463-1470.(0.558). 17.李宗禮,馮起,劉光琇,司建華,沈清林,基于生態(tài)安全的石羊河流域初始水權(quán)分配,水利發(fā)展研究,2008,8⑴:46-48。(0.229). 18.李建林,司建華,馮起. 極端干旱區(qū)胡楊吸水根系的分布與模擬研究. 干旱區(qū)地理. 2008,31⑴: 97-101.(1.582). 19.常宗強,馮起,司建華等. 祁連山不同植被類型土壤碳貯量和碳通量. 生態(tài)學雜志,2008,27⑸:681-688.(1.393). 20.司建華,常宗強,蘇永紅,席海洋,馮起.胡楊葉片氣孔導度特征及其對環(huán)境因子的響應.西北植物學報,2008,28⑴:125-130.(1.318). 21.蘇永紅,馮起,朱高峰等. 土壤呼吸與測定方法研究進展. 中國沙漠,2008,28⑴:57-65. (1.228). 22.蘇永紅,朱高峰,馮起等. 額濟納荒漠河岸胡楊林葉片氣孔導度與微環(huán)境因子的關(guān)系模擬研究. 西北植物學報,2008,28 ⑺ :1434 – 1439. (1.318). 23.席海洋,馮起,程玉菲等. 黑河流域地下水研究進展綜述,水文,2008,28⑸: 61-64. 24.席海洋,馮起,程玉菲,司建華,常宗強,蘇永紅,郭瑞. 額濟納綠洲土壤入滲特征與土壤狀況的關(guān)系研究. 冰川凍土,2008⑹:976-982.(1.805). 25.郭瑞,馮起,司建華,常宗強,席海洋,劉蔚. 土壤水鹽運移模型研究進展. 冰川凍土, 2008,30(30): 527-534. (1.805). 26.卓瑪措,馮起,司建華. 基于能值分析的青海省生態(tài)經(jīng)濟系統(tǒng)研究. 地域研究與開發(fā). 2008,27⑴:121-125. (0.787). 27.卓瑪措,馮起,司建華. 青海生態(tài)經(jīng)濟系統(tǒng)的能值分析與可持續(xù)發(fā)展對策. 經(jīng)濟地理. 2008, 28⑵:308-312. 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