beat up造句
更新時間:2025-03-23 21:12:29復(fù)制
beat up造句
1、There was one acquaintance who had not done well in prison; he was in there for two years, and he gotbeat up quite a bit, and wasn't able to defend himself.(有個熟人,他在牢里過得不好。他關(guān)了兩年了,老被打,沒辦法保護自己。)
2、CITY - NIGHT a SCREECH OF BRAKES as a vehicle WIPES FRAME, revealing — JAKE SULLY, a scarred and scruffy combat vet, sitting in abeat up carbon-fiber wheelchair.(城市——晚上的剎車聲像一輛擦拭框架,揭示——薩里·杰克,一個有傷疤衣冠不整的戰(zhàn)斗獸醫(yī),坐在年久失修殘破的碳纖維輪椅上。)
3、Not with that bird up there!” Sucre looks down to the base of the quarry and sees a small mobile home next to abeat up old car.(Sucre往下面的采石場基地望去,看到一間小型活動住房,旁邊是一輛老爺車。)
4、Other than the fact that it was prettybeat up by the time that the design process was over, it was exactly the airplane that Boeing shipped.(除了在設(shè)計過程完成之后會有新機型取代它之外,它就是波音公司出售的飛機。)
5、Most of them are former skinheads who are just tired tobeat up black people without any ideology.(他們中大多數(shù)人以前都是光頭,都無緣故地打過黑人。)
6、I've heard people say he used tobeat up on his wife.(我聽說他以前常打妻子。)
7、You gonnabeat up everybody?(你要毒打每一個人?)
8、Tessbeat up the long hill still faster; but she could not outwalk them without exciting notice.(苔絲加快了腳步,向漫長的山上走去;但是她硬要走在他們的前面,就難免不引起他們的注意。)
9、Sunday morning, we come homebeat up and sleep all afternoon.(禮拜天早上,我們鼻青臉腫地回家然后睡一個下午。)
10、Shebeat up the eggs.(她把雞蛋打好了。)
11、So I've put this idea of thebeat up on the board here.(我把拍的概念寫在白板上。)
12、Webeat up yolks, adding oil little by little. Then salt and sugar to taste, mustard on the tip of a knife and a tablespoonful of vinegar.(我們打散蛋黃,加入少許油,再加入糖和鹽調(diào)味,刀尖蘸一點芥末,然后放入一勺醋。)
13、When nationalist thugsbeat up a Jewish friend, she defaced her grade card, crossing out the stamp that allowed her to sit on the "Aryan" seats.(當一個民族主義流氓毆打一位猶太朋友時,她把自己的成績卡弄壞,擦去上面允許她坐在“雅利安人”座位上的印章。)
14、that families did go to the doctor, and that, despite what skeptical Mexican cabinet members had warned, men did notbeat up their wives, take the money and get drunk.(盡管持批評態(tài)度的內(nèi)閣成員警告說,那些男人的確沒有打他們的妻子,而是拿著這些錢去買醉了。)
15、William threatened tobeat up Lincoln, but Abe refused to fight him, saying he was much too big and too strong to meet a Grigsby.(威廉威脅說要揍林肯,但是林肯拒絕和他打斗。他聲稱自己太壯太強,不會去和一個格雷斯比家的人打。)
16、Not long after, Al Arabiya's Cairo bureau was stormed and shut down by pro-Mubarak sympathizers whobeat up one reporter and kidnapped another.(不久之后,穆巴拉克的支持者襲擊了阿拉伯電視臺駐開羅辦公室,毆打一名記者,綁架了另一個,關(guān)閉了駐開羅辦公室。)
17、On June 1st thugs abducted andbeat up Poddala Jayantha, a journalist and activist.(七月一號歹徒劫持并暴打了坡達拉,一位戰(zhàn)地記者和積極活動分子。)
18、She says they tried to warn school officials - and then bam: the prank callerbeat up Billy in the bathroom of McNair Middle school.(她說他們試過告訴學(xué)校的管理人員——然后一切突然發(fā)生:一個惡作劇電話員在McNair中學(xué)的浴室里把billy揍了一頓。)
19、Some 20 truncheon-wielding Roma youthsbeat up six young white men outside a disco.(20個羅馬年輕人持棍棒在一家迪斯科外面痛打了六名白人;)
20、From one extreme to another our hands getbeat up.(而從一個極端到另一個極端,我們的手是被害慘了。)
21、You're just going to getbeat up on with the existing culture.(您將會擾動現(xiàn)已存在的文化。)
22、Not because they hadbeat up someone but because they hadbeat up the wife of someone important.(原因不是因為他們打了人,而是因為他們打了某位重要人物的妻子。)
23、How do you escape the prisoners' dilemma challenge off like it's always best tobeat up the other guy, and cooperation is never good.(怎樣從囚徒困境中走出,無論怎樣,好像都是打敗對方,才是最佳方案,合作的結(jié)果總是不好。)
24、So if we tease this apart and this is actually nice, every semester I getbeat up for just how bad this thing actually is if you start really picking it apart.(因此,如果我們分解這個部分,這其實是不錯的,不管事情多么糟糕,分解一下就好了。)
25、Its wings not onlybeat up and down, but also twist at specific angles.(它的翅膀不但可以上下拍打而且能夠在一定角度內(nèi)翻轉(zhuǎn)。)