
have a link with造句

have a link with造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:41:45復制

have a link with造句

    1、In that database, you have a table with records containing headline, link and description fields, which you will request to put into your XML response.(在此數(shù)據(jù)庫中有一個具有包含標題、鏈接和描述字段的記錄的表,您將請求把這些內(nèi)容放入您的XML響應中。)

    2、Now their commanders say their fighters have managed to link up with a second front to the south of Misrata, creating a defensive arc around the city's southwestern flank.(現(xiàn)在,他們的指揮官稱,現(xiàn)在戰(zhàn)士們已經(jīng)成功地連接起米蘇拉塔南面另一條前線,在東南翼形成堅固的防線。)

    3、When using Ajax, you don't have the real link anymore, and you use the params attribute of the Ajax tag to pass a value of a component with the request.(但使用Ajax時,您不再需要真實的連接,只需使用Ajax標記的params屬性傳遞組件值。)

    4、Because Lotus Notes implements this protocol, a link like this one correctly creates a new email with the given body. All you have to do is launch the link.(由于LotusNotes實現(xiàn)了該協(xié)議,擁有上述形式的鏈接能夠正確地創(chuàng)建具有指定消息體的電子郵件。)

    5、Similarly, some firms have started to experiment with "virtual water-coolers", connecting their office kitchens by means of a permanent video link.(同樣地,一些公司已經(jīng)開始實驗“虛擬的水冷卻器”,通過他們辦公室廚房的永久視頻鏈接。)

    6、You might already have PEAR installed with your PHP installation, but you might need to install it for this article (see Resources for a link).(您可能已經(jīng)在安裝php時安裝了PEAR,但是您可能仍需為本文安裝它(請參閱參考資料來獲得鏈接)。)

    7、With the TinyURL integration, you don't even have to worry about long URLs; a shortened link to your blog post will be automatically created.(使用TinyURL集成,你不需要擔心很長的URL地址,會自動生成博客地址的超短鏈。)

    8、The most important thing you have to remember about XLink when working with XBRL is that a link can occur on any element, unlike, say, HTML where links are expressed through a or link elements.(在XBRL中使用XLink時,需要牢記的一點就是鏈接可以出現(xiàn)在任何元素中,與此不同的是,HTML中的鏈接可以通過a或link元素表示。)

    9、You might want to edit an artifact in the rich client, but have only a link to it in the Web client (perhaps because someone who is familiar with only the Web client referred you to the artifact).(您可能想在功能強大的客戶端上編輯一個工件,但是只有網(wǎng)絡客戶端上對其的鏈接(可能因為有人只熟悉網(wǎng)絡客戶端)。)

    10、Dr Meyer's study is a review of 1,292 papers that report experimental attempts to link Rorschach responses with personality traits that have been established by other means.(邁耶博士的論文是一篇1292頁的評論,該評論報告了那些試圖將羅夏墨跡的回答和已用其他方式創(chuàng)建的人格特征聯(lián)系起來的實驗。)

    11、With image sprites, you will have CSS selectors for each link that display only a portion of the image Sprite - effectively showing just the image you need.(有了圖片精靈,你將要用CSS選擇器對每個只顯示精靈中部分圖片的鏈接進行處理:只要你需要的那部分。)

    12、Smell stimuli form what Shepherd terms "odor objects", stored as memories, and these have a direct link with our emotions.(氣味刺激形成了謝潑德所稱的“氣味物體”,并以記憶的形式儲存起來,這些氣味與我們的情感有著直接的聯(lián)系。)

    13、Moreover, previous attempts to show a link have come up with a much weaker correlation between the two phenomena.(另外,之前試圖找出兩者的聯(lián)系,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)兩者之間更微弱的關聯(lián)。)

    14、Of course, if you have a Web site with each update on its own page, you can provide a link to that page in the feed.(當然,如果您的Web站點的每個更新都有自己的頁面,那么可以在提要中提供一個到該頁面的鏈接。)

    15、With a water bottle backpack made from plastic bags, now you don't have to. (Link).(有了塑料袋做成的水壺背包,現(xiàn)在你再也不用如此。)

    16、Of course, if we had defined our screen.css with a media attribute value of all and placed this LINK element after it, our print styling would have inherit all the screen styles.(當然,如果定義了media屬性值為all的screen.css,并將這個LINK放在它后面,打印樣式就會繼承所有屏幕樣式。)

    17、Other studies have suggested a link with bowel cancer and gastric problems - possibly because night workers tend not to eat so healthily and to exercise less.(還有一些研究表明夜班與胃癌和腸癌也有關系——可能因為夜班工人吃得比較不健康而且鍛煉的也不夠造成的。)

    18、As with all conceptual units, the units in this hosting stack can have a realization link to any other units that could perform all of the same tasks as the conceptual units.(有了所有概念性的單元,主機棧中的單元就可以有對其他單元的鏈接,這些其他單元會執(zhí)行所有相同的任務作為概念性的單元。)

    19、They do this by allowing you to upload any large files you have to their storage servers then allow you to send an email from their system with a link to the files.(2big2send允許您上傳任意大文件至他們的服務器,并通過他們的系統(tǒng)發(fā)出一封附有文件鏈接的電子郵件。)

    20、Conversations are links, which means when you have a conversation with a new person a link gets formed and every conversation you have after that moment will strengthen the link.(交談就是聯(lián)系,這意味著當你和一個陌生人交談時,一種聯(lián)系就形成了,而此后的每一次交談都會加強這種聯(lián)系。)

    21、By now, you will have noticed that the concept of patterns is often used to provide an abstract view of a proposed solution, which you can then link with a specific implementation.(到目前為止,您已注意到模式的概念通常用于提供某個建議的解決方案的抽象視圖,然后您可以將該抽象視圖與特定的實現(xiàn)聯(lián)系起來。)

    22、She is indeed a "link", not only with our own ancestors but with all the rest of the living world - indeed to all the creatures that have ever lived on this Earth.(她其實是一個“鏈環(huán)”,不僅聯(lián)系著我們自己的祖先,也連接著蕓蕓眾生里其他物種——實際上還聯(lián)系著所有曾在地球上生存過的物種。)

    23、Now that you have the show_users function, you can create a users.php file that runs it and displays a list of all the users in the system, each with a link that says follow next to the user name.(有了show_users函數(shù)之后,接下來可以創(chuàng)建一個users.php文件,該文件將運行這個函數(shù),并顯示系統(tǒng)中所有用戶的一個列表,對于每個用戶,在用戶名的旁邊都有一個follow鏈接。)

    24、The default core validators ensure that the fundamental rules for topologies are met, such as the one that units with a hosting requirement have a hosting link.(默認的核心確認器確保滿足了基本的拓撲規(guī)則,例如擁有安裝需求的單元有一個安裝鏈接。)

    25、Images: AtomClip does not have the logic to choose appropriate content on an image with a link.(圖像:atomclip沒有選擇帶鏈接圖像上的適當內(nèi)容的邏輯。) 【好工具hao86.com】

    26、Although Ivapurunduva’s main link with the outside world remains a single payphone, it has acquired some roads and people have started to return from nearby towns.(雖然Ivapurunduva與外界的主要聯(lián)系仍仰賴一支投幣的公用電話,但部分聯(lián)外道路已經(jīng)通車,原來的村民開始從鄰近城鎮(zhèn)搬回來。)

have a link with基本釋義