for sure造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:44:17復制

for sure造句

    1、It'll workfor sure.(肯定能成功的。)

    2、No one knowsfor sure when or why it began to symbolize peace.(沒有人確切地知道它是什么時候或者為什么開始成為和平的象征。)

    3、We don't knowfor sure how much mass our Sun's lost over the last four billion years.(我們不知道我們的太陽在過去的40億年里損失了多少質(zhì)量。)

    4、The meeting will be held in September, but nobody knows the datefor sure.(會議將在九月舉行,但沒人知道確切的日期。)

    5、"Aye,for sure, dear lad," she answered and she gave his shoulder a soft quick pat.(“是啊,當然了,親愛的孩子?!彼卮鹫f,然后輕輕拍了拍他的肩膀。)

    6、When they get to know me and to trust me, knowingfor sure I'm not selling them something—there'll be more honest feedback from them.(當他們開始了解我、信任我,并確信我不是在賣什么東西給他們時,他們會給出更誠實的反饋。)

    7、Tha's beginning to look different,for sure.(你開始變得不一樣了,是真的。)

    8、He'll comefor sure.(他肯定會來的。)

    9、We'd probably knowfor sure whether someone was shooting at the president from that famous grassy knoll.(我們可能確定是否有人正在從那個著名的草地山丘草地上向總統(tǒng)射擊。)

    10、"I can sayfor sure that no one else loves me more than you do in this world," stated Sophia tearfully.(“我可以肯定地說,在這個世界上,沒有人比你更愛我了。”索菲婭含淚說道。)

    11、"Nobody knowsfor sure and certain," said Martha.(“沒有人確切知道。”瑪莎說。)

    12、Eating more than needed isfor sure not healthy.(吃得過多超出所需肯定是不健康的。)

    13、"for sure tha' will," he said stoutly.(“你肯定會的。”他堅定地說。)

    14、No one knows what she might be doing now, but not washing up, that'sfor sure.(沒人知道她現(xiàn)在在干什么,但肯定不是在洗餐具。)

    15、for sure, there is little shortage of eye-popping scenery around here.(可以肯定的是,這里不缺乏令人著迷的景象。)

    16、Her grades on the coming exams will fallfor sure.(在即將到來的考試里,她的成績肯定會下降。)

    17、Tha'rt a Yorkshire ladfor sure.(你絕對是個約克郡男孩。)

    18、I thought she understoodfor sure the kind I wanted.(我想她一定完全明白我想要的是哪一種。)

    19、One thing isfor sure —it's not going to be easy.(有一點可以肯定—事情不會很容易。)

    20、One thing'sfor sure, Manilow's vocal style hasn't changed much over the years.(有一點是千真萬確的,馬尼洛的演唱風格這些年來沒有太大的變化。)

    21、They can bring you much pleasurefor sure.(他們肯定能給你帶來很多快樂。)

    22、You mustn'tfor sure.(你不能肯定。)

    23、"Us'll have him out here sometimefor sure," said Dickon.(“那我們一定會找個時間把他帶到這里來的?!钡铱险f。)

    24、No one knowsfor sure why adolescence is unique to humans.(沒人確切知道為什么青春期是人類獨有的。)

    25、That'sfor sure. How about these Chinese arts and crafts?(那當然,中國的工藝品怎么樣?)

    26、"They're enjoyin' themselvesfor sure," she said.(“他們肯定很開心?!彼f。)

    27、We cannot sayfor sure what will happen.(我們說不準將會發(fā)生些什么。)

    28、No one knowsfor sure what happened.(誰也不知道究竟發(fā)生了什么事。)

    29、I think he'll be back on Monday, but I can't sayfor sure.(我想他星期一會回來,不過我不敢肯定。)

    30、That pair'll plump upfor sure.(那對小家伙肯定會胖起來的。)

for sure基本釋義

for sure

英 [f?: ?u?] 美 [f?r ??r] 
確定; 肯定