lose face造句
更新時間:2025-03-23 21:35:50復制
lose face造句
1、Reallylose face home store.(真是丟人到家的店。)
2、If you are smarter than her, she'lllose face.(如果你比她聰明,她沒面子。) haO86.com
3、Do notlose face because people should not be lost.(千萬不要因為面子而失去不該失去的人。)
4、John's careless work made himlose face with his employer.(約翰工作疏忽,在老板面前丟了臉。)
5、Hiss careless work made himlose face with his teacher.(他工作疏忽使他在老師面前丟臉。)
6、Jeff willlose face if his friend fails to work hard.(杰夫因他的朋友不肯勤奮工作而丟了面子。)
7、Sometimes tencent is so not tolose face, want to have split up, and he pulled out a black halfway verification code.(有時候騰訊就是那么不給面子,想把已經(jīng)分手的他拉黑,還要半路沖出個驗證碼。)
8、Wanting China tolose face and putting them under scrutiny is incorrect!(讓中國出丑…公開地指責中國是不對的!)
9、The last thing I want to see is tolose face before my friends.(我最不想見到的事情就是在朋友面前丟臉。)
10、If I marry a poor man for love, I willlose face, and the quality of my life will be worse than if I were single.(如果我為了愛情而嫁給一個沒什么錢的人,我會很沒有面子,我的生活質(zhì)量也會比婚前低。)
11、Under no circumstances should you lose your temper or you willlose face and irrevocably damage your relationship.(任何情況下都不要發(fā)脾氣,否則你將會丟面子,從而不可避免地損害雙方間的關系。)
12、If they don't want tolose face, the gifts should not be too cheap.(假如自己不想丟臉,那送出的禮物份量可不能太輕。)
13、The Chinese may very well on occasion be direct but only if no one, including themselves, willlose face.(中國人有時也可能比較坦率,但是只有當所有人不會因此而丟臉的時候,他們才會這樣做。)
14、Never ask the Chinese to turn off their mobile phones as this causes you both tolose face.(絕對避免要求中國人關掉手機,這會鬧得雙方都丟面子。)
15、I had two choices:lose face or exhibit strength. I chose the latter.(我當時有兩個選擇:丟臉或展示實力。我選擇了后者。)
16、What could be a successful strategy tolose face in a conflict?(怎樣才能成功的避免在沖突中丟臉?)
17、There was constant social pressure not tolose face.(保持不丟面子的社會壓力無時不在,無處不在。)
18、This gives face to the other person, while speaking up would make both partieslose face.(這就給另外一個人面子,而講出來就會使雙方都丟面子。)
19、Since all these actions would risk putting a Chinese in a situation that he mightlose face.(因為這樣會讓一個中國人感覺到失了面子。)
20、They don't want a war, but they don't want tolose face.(他們不想要戰(zhàn)爭,但他們也不想丟臉面。)
21、If Tom doesn't keep his promise, he'lllose face.(如果湯姆不信守諾言,他就會丟面子。)
22、Why was I trying to make themlose face?(我為什么要使他們丟臉呢?)
23、Youlose face.(你真丟臉。)
24、She doesn't seem to like me, and she is causing me tolose face in front of all my peers.(她好像不大喜歡我這個職工,讓我在所有同事面前丟人。)