
play off against造句

play off against造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:30:02復制

play off against造句

    1、The 18-year-old enjoyed a sparkling season for the Rams and helped secure promotion to the Premiership as he supplied the cross for Stephen Pearson's winner in the play-off final against West Brom.(這名18歲的球員在公羊度過了一個夢幻般的賽季,他幫助球隊安全晉級到英超聯(lián)賽,在對西布朗的升級延長賽上為隊友皮爾森送出了一個傳中球從而擊敗了對手。)

    2、Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson return to play a pair of married paranormal investigators who travel to London and face off against some truly unpleasant apparitions.(維拉·法米加、帕特里克·威爾森這回扮演一堆已婚夫婦,他們是靈異現(xiàn)象調(diào)查人員,在影片里前往倫敦去驅魔。)

    3、Works of artists like Alexander Calder and Ellsworth Kelly play off well against the curves, but the space overwhelms anything small, delicate, or highly detailed.(像亞歷克山大·卡爾德和艾爾思沃斯·凱利這些藝術家的作品完全可以和萊特的弧線設計媲美,但是博物館的整體空間蓋過了任何微小、精細和極細致的地方。)

    4、He kept putting off replacing Katie in the hope that she would return, but their opening match against Slytherin was looming, and he finally had to accept that she would not be back in time to play.(他遲遲不肯找人替換凱蒂,希望她能回來,可是眼看他們對斯萊特林的第一場比賽就要臨近,他終于不得不承認凱蒂趕不回來打比賽了。) Hao86.com

    5、He tried to play off two of his colleagues against each other.(他企圖挑撥他的兩個同事之間的關系。)

    6、Push a ping-pong table against a wall and play ping-pong with the wall, try to keep the ball off the ground.(把乒乓球桌一端頂著墻壁,站在另一端與墻對打,球不要落地。)

    7、Top footballers were able to play clubs off against each other to gain higher pay.(頂級足球運動員能使俱樂部相互競爭以獲取更高報酬。)

    8、However Yallop, whose side kick-off the World Series of Football tournament tonight against Mexican side Tigres, insisted that there would be no pressure on Beckham to play if he was not ready.(雅勒普的球隊今晚將與墨西哥的猛虎隊進行世界足球聯(lián)賽,他認為如果貝克漢姆還沒有準備好,那么上場比賽對于貝克漢姆來說沒有絲毫的壓力。)

    9、I watched their play-off game against Bahrain so I've seen a little bit of them.(我看了他們和巴林的附加賽,所以我對他們還是有一定了解的。)

    10、The Arsenal star is captain of his country and looked to be heading to next summer's Finals in South Africa when Russia took a 2-0 lead in the first-leg of their play-off against Slovenia last month.(這位阿森納球星是他們祖國的隊長,在上個月俄羅斯與斯洛文尼亞附加賽第一回合中,俄羅斯以2:0領先,他也期待著進入到明年夏天的南非世界杯。)

    11、The six-party process was meant to make it harder for him to play his neighbours off against each other. But that is true only if he gets the same agreed message from all.(六方會談本來意味著使金更難利用其鄰居們的互相制衡而從中獲利,但是這種情況僅在他收到的各方意見完全一致時才會產(chǎn)生。)

    12、The six-party process was meant to make it harder for him to play his neighbours off against each other.(六方進程意味著他更難利用他的鄰居們來相互牽制。)

    13、Liverpool were forced to play the second-half against Pompey with 10 men after Javier Mascherano was sent off just before the interval.(在上半場快要結束,馬斯切拉諾被罰下,利物浦被迫下半場以10人應戰(zhàn)。)

    14、Researchers from Emmanuel College and Harvard University had participants play a game in which they faced off against two other players represented by cartoons on a computer screen.(來自伊曼紐爾學院和哈佛大學的研究人員做了這樣一個實驗:受試者參與一項三人電腦隨機游戲,對手是兩個以卡通形象出現(xiàn)在電腦屏幕上的人物。)

    15、However, he was tempted to return for the World Cup play-off against Norway and subsequently appeared at Germany 2006.(但是在國家隊的召喚下還是重返淘汰賽對挪威的比賽,并且參加了06年的德國世界杯。)

    16、Brazil kick-off its tournament on Sunday when they play Venezuela, followed by two more group games against Paraguay and Ecuador.(本周日,巴西將會迎來本周美洲杯的第一個對手委內(nèi)瑞拉,同組的另外兩個球隊是巴拉圭和厄瓜多爾。)

    17、They wanted to play the two countries off against each other.(他們想使這兩個國家互相對立。)

    18、Multinational companies can play individual markets off against each other.(跨國公司能夠挑起單個市場相互競爭。)

    19、The top teams in each group will play off seven games against each other.(各組的優(yōu)勝者還要相互比賽七次。)

    20、She play her two rival off against each other and get the job herself.(她挑撥兩個對手相爭,自己卻獲得了那份工作。)

    21、David: Many of you will have seen the Pong game where essentially a single rectangle moves up and down where a ball bounces off it, or a pair of them so two people can play against each other.(大衛(wèi):你們中的許多人都曾玩過彈球游戲,這個游戲就只有一個方塊上下移動,接住反彈來的球。如果兩人玩時,就會出現(xiàn)一對方塊,可以進行對抗賽。)

    22、They say that the top teams in each group play off seven games against each other.(他們說每組的優(yōu)勝隊相互之間要打七場比賽以決勝負。)

    23、Left South Africa with five goals, four of which were superb strikes from distance, including a cracking volley in the third-place play-off against Germany.(弗蘭在本屆世界杯共奉獻五粒進球,其中四粒都是世界波,包括在與德國爭奪第三名的比賽中的一腳凌空抽射。)

    24、They were delighted to accept—and to play off one lender against another to get the easiest terms and lowest rates.(企業(yè)很樂于接受這種情況,而且貸款人之間的競爭,讓企業(yè)得到更加寬松的低息貸款。)

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