1、What will it take for you totake the plunge on a second-generation Apple tablet?(當(dāng)蘋果的第二代平板電腦來的時候,你會嘗嘗鮮嗎?)
2、By her third year at university, she was ready totake the plunge.(在大學(xué)的第三年,她準(zhǔn)備好了。)
3、In London, swimmerstake the plunge in the Serpentine lake, on Christmas day.(在倫敦,圣誕期間,游泳愛好者們無畏嚴(yán)寒,在九曲湖中暢游。)
4、Before youtake the plunge, double, triple and quadruple check that this is what you want.(在你采取決定性步驟之前,兩遍,三遍,四遍地檢查這是你所想要的。)
5、The climber never seems totake the plunge until he gets to know the mountain.(登山者在對大山了如指掌之前是不會輕易冒險攀登的。)
6、After doing some online research and talking with people who'd been there, they decided totake the plunge.(他們先在網(wǎng)上做了一些研究,并且同身在那里的人交談,之后他們決定冒險一試。)
7、Only when the final bell sounded did she find the nerve totake the plunge.(只有當(dāng)下課鈴聲響起時,她才鼓起勇氣跳了下去。)
8、I saw a poster that advertised a cheap bike hire scheme and I spontaneously decided totake the plunge.(偶然看到了一張出租廉價自行車計劃的廣告招貼畫,我就不由自主的決定參加。)
9、If you have been thinking about buying mutual funds, now could be the time totake the plunge.(如果你一直在考慮購買共同基金,現(xiàn)在也許是冒險一試的時候了。)
10、Maybe with this brainstorm, he'lltake the plunge and start his own business.(或許因為這個新點子,他將下決心開始自己的事業(yè)。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
11、Liquidity may be a good thing: it encourages investors totake the plunge into equity markets.(流動性會鼓勵投資者在股市中采取更加冒險的態(tài)度,這可能是件好事。)
12、What made you willing totake the plunge of starting a company?(是什么讓你愿意投身創(chuàng)業(yè)當(dāng)中?)
13、So why did Mr Kindlertake the plunge?(那么,金德勒到底為什么要冒這個險呢?)
14、But sometimes you just have totake the plunge.(你是說,讓我不管三七二十一,跳進(jìn)海里就好了?)
15、The fact that the price of her apartment had dropped by nearly 15% from the peak helped convince her totake the plunge.(后來黃陽看到現(xiàn)在房子的價格較峰值下跌了將近15%,這促使她決定買下來。)
16、They finally decided totake the plunge and get married.(最后,他們毅然決定結(jié)婚。)
17、Once youtake the plunge and get over your fears, you'll feel a sense of empowerment.(可一旦你鼓起勇氣克服內(nèi)心恐懼邁開第一步,你會感到前所未有的能量與活力。)
18、Japanese and Chinese mills may soontake the plunge.(日本和中國的鋼廠可能會在不久后嘗試此舉。)
19、Bob and Susan have avoided marriage for several years now but finally they've decided totake the plunge.(鮑勃和蘇珊數(shù)年來都沒有結(jié)婚,現(xiàn)在終于決定邁出這一步了。)
20、So the days are creeping up close, the time is near totake the plunge and explore the depths of marriage.(隨著婚期一天天臨近,是時候去冒險探索婚姻了。)