
at the back of造句

at the back of造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:57:46復制

at the back of造句

    1、What's thatat the back of the fridge?(冰箱盡里頭那東西是什么?)

    2、There are fruit trees in front andat the back of the house.(房子前后都是果樹。)

    3、The emergency exit isat the back of the bus.(緊急出口在公共汽車的尾部。)

    4、But a passengerat the back of the bus saw him.(但是在公交車后面的一位乘客看到了他。)

    5、Access was gained to these shops through the small alleywayat the back of the properties—it's dark and as you can imagine, no one saw the thief or thieves in action.(通過房子后面的小巷子可以進入這些商店,那里很黑,你可以想象不會有人看到小偷的行動。)

    6、Plant large cactiat the back of the garden.(將植株較大的仙人掌種在花園的后部。)

    7、I found some old photosat the back of the drawer.(我從抽屜盡里頭找到一些舊照片。)

    8、'I know the answer,' piped up a voiceat the back of the room.(“我知道答案?!狈块g后邊有個聲音叫起來。)

    9、We sat in a rowat the back of the room.(我們在屋子的后面坐成一排。)

    10、She slipped into her deskat the back of the room.(她滑進了自己位于教室后面的座位上。)

    11、Our room wasat the back of the hotel.(我們的房間在旅館靠后面的地方。)

    12、It provides a raised areaat the back of the phone which helps stop you scratching the handset when you put it down.(它在手機背面提供了一個抬高的區(qū)域,以助于防止你在放下它時把電話聽筒劃傷。)

    13、I looked through a rack of clothesat the back of the shop.(我看遍了掛在商店盡里面的一架子衣服。)

    14、Water dripped into a basinat the back of the room.(水滴入房間后面的一個盆里。)

    15、This heated air, drawn down from the roof, then mixes with the greenhouse air as it reaches a second sea-water-moistened cardboard wallat the back of the greenhouse.(從屋頂吸出的這種熱空氣,在到達溫室后部第二個被海水潤濕的紙板壁時,便與溫室空氣混合。)

    16、Do you have any sensationsat the back of your throat?(你的喉嚨后部有什么感覺?) 【好工具hao86.com】

    17、The television guide isat the back of the paper.(電視節(jié)目指南在報紙的末尾。)

    18、The indexat the back of the book lists both brand and generic names.(書末尾的索引把商標名和通用名都列了出來。)

    19、There was a metallic tasteat the back of his throat.(他喉嚨深處有一股金屬的腥味。)

    20、Someone burped loudlyat the back of the hall.(某人在大廳后部大聲打嗝。)

    21、For students with poor eyesight or hearing, a seatat the back of the classroom is not a good choice.(對于視力或聽力不好的學生來說,坐在教室后面不是一個好的選擇。)

    22、Unlike the blades on old-fashioned propeller engines, these blades spin aroundat the back of the engine.(與老式螺旋槳發(fā)動機的葉片不同,這些葉片在發(fā)動機的后部旋轉(zhuǎn)。)

    23、You can take the stairsat the back of the store.(你們可以走商場后部的樓梯。)

    24、It has a lens system to focus light onto the filmat the back of the camera.(它的鏡片系統(tǒng)可以將光線聚焦到相機后部的膠片上。)

    25、The jeweller has a workroomat the back of his shop.(珠寶商在他的店鋪后面有一間作坊。)

    26、It was a noise that set one's teeth on edge and bristled the hairat the back of one's neck.(這是一種使人牙關(guān)緊繃、脖子后面的頭發(fā)都豎起來的聲音。)

    27、There are explanatory notesat the back of the book.(書后有注解。)

    28、For six months they camped out in a meadowat the back of the house.(他們在房子后面的草地上露宿了6個月。)

    29、Her aggressiveness and self-righteousness caused prickles of angerat the back of his neck.(她的咄咄逼人和自以為是讓他很生氣。)

at the back of基本釋義