at the outside造句
更新時間:2025-03-23 21:57:42復(fù)制
at the outside造句
1、Turn off the gasat the outside main valve if you can and call the gas company from a neighbor's home.(如果你能在鄰居家打電話,叫煤氣公司關(guān)掉外面的煤氣主閥盤。)
2、The best seek to alleviate the external pressures on their pupils while equipping them better to understand and handle the world outside—at once sheltering them and broadening their horizons.(最好的辦法是減輕學(xué)生的外部壓力,同時讓他們更好地理解和應(yīng)對外面的世界,這樣既保護(hù)他們,又拓寬他們的視野。)
3、I arrived at the church at two-thirty p.m. to find some early comers outside the main door.(我于下午兩點(diǎn)半來到教堂,發(fā)現(xiàn)大門外已有些人到了。)
4、A small team began to make the boat at the start of 2012 on the Roman Lawn outside Dover museum.(2012年初,一個小團(tuán)隊(duì)在多佛博物館外的羅馬草坪上開始制造這艘船。)
5、at the outside edge of the atmosphere, that actually means that it's getting colder because it's pushed farther out into space.(在大氣的外部邊緣處,由于大氣已經(jīng)遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)地延伸到太空,實(shí)際意味著它正在冷卻。)
6、As long as you take a lookat the outside, red firecrackers everywhere, come together to form a red Sea.(只要你向外面看一看,到處紅紅的鞭炮,匯成了一條紅海。)
7、In this house, the steel grid envelops the houseat the outside of all balconies, so Windows and doors may remain open at all times if desired.(在這座住宅里,鋼柵覆蓋了所有陽臺的外部,這樣門窗在需要的時候可以保持打開。)
8、We spend too much time lookingat the outside world and too little looking at our hearts and souls.(我們花了太多時間去看外面的世界,但在觀察自己內(nèi)心和靈魂時卻往往不夠。)
9、That marriage won't last. I'll give them two years,at the outside.(那樣的婚姻不會持久。我看他們最多不過兩年。)
10、There was room for 20 peopleat the outside.(最多只能容納20個人。)
11、Many studies show that even a limited dose of nature, like a chance to lookat the outside world through a window, is good for your health.(許多研究證實(shí),即便是有限量的大自然,如透過一扇窗戶看到外面世界的機(jī)會,對你的健康也是有益的。)
12、The highest CEO salaries are paid to outside candidates, not to the cozy insider picks, another sign that high CEO pay is not some kind of depredation at the expense of the rest of the company.(最高級的CEO薪酬是支付給外部候選人的,而不是內(nèi)部人選。這再次表明,高級CEO的薪酬并不是以犧牲公司其他員工為代價的掠奪。)
13、We're meeting them outside the theatre at 7.(我們7點(diǎn)鐘在劇院外面和他們會合。)
14、The iliotibial band is a band of tissue that beginsat the outside of the pelvis and extends to the outside part of the knee. The band helps stabilize the knee.(髂脛束是一條纖維叢,開始于髖關(guān)節(jié)外側(cè),延伸到膝蓋外側(cè),這些組織幫助固定膝蓋。)
15、The children in the mountains yearn to have a lookat the outside world.(山里的孩子向往著到外面的世界看一看。)
16、Finally, the important influences of the rapid drawdownat the outside of slope on the slope stability are briefly analyzed.(最后簡要分析了邊坡外側(cè)水位驟降對邊坡穩(wěn)定性的重要影響。)
17、He gave her a couple of monthsat the outside.(她讓她在外面闖蕩了數(shù)個月。)
18、I'm currently sitting alone at a table outside the Black Cat Cafe, listening to the rain and watching people passing by.(我現(xiàn)在正一個人坐在黑貓咖啡館外的一張桌子旁,聽著雨聲,看著行人經(jīng)過。)
19、The crowd numbered a thousandat the outside.(這群人最多不超過一千人。)
20、The noise outside almost drives me crazy, so I can not concentrate at all.(外面的噪音快把我逼瘋了,所以我根本沒辦法專心。)
21、My hometown is locatedat the outside of the city.(我的家鄉(xiāng)坐落在城市外。)
22、The zinc coatingat the outside of the bent or formed section is visible at 25 power magnification.(或成型區(qū)在25倍放大時可看見鍍鋅層片狀材料脫落或裂化,認(rèn)為鋅鍍層已損壞。)
23、Startingat the outside and going down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromosphere, photosphere. convection zone. and finally the core.(從太陽外部開始進(jìn)入內(nèi)部這些區(qū)域?yàn)椋汗猸h(huán)帶、色球帶、光球帶、對流帶,最終為核心帶。)
24、Claire looked longingly at the sunlit gardens outside the window.(克萊爾充滿渴望地看著窗外灑滿陽光的花園。)
25、Sometimes, evenat the outside, it doesn't work that well.(有時候,即使是在外面,它不工作。)
26、Then this could happen to your tire while you on the road, what's worse, a lookingat the outside of an unused tire.(正在路上開車時你的輪胎就可能發(fā)生這種事,更糟糕的是,當(dāng)你觀察一下未使用過的輪胎的外側(cè)時你會發(fā)現(xiàn)——。)
27、Several studies now show that even a limited dose of the natural, such as a chance to lookat the outside world through a window, is good for one's health.(近來也有研究表明,即便只和大自然略有交流,比如只是向窗外眺望,對健康的好處也不可小視。)