allow of造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:58:52復制

allow of造句

    1、A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications.(一項擬議的法律將允許為處方藥投放廣告。)

    2、These laws allow the security forces to continue to ride roughshod over the human rights of the people.(這些法律允許安全部隊繼續(xù)肆意踐踏這些人的人權。)

    3、She didn't allow her emotions to get the better of her.(她沒有讓情緒打敗自己。)

    4、This technology would allow total freedom of movement.(這項技術將允許完全自由的行動。)

    5、Will you allow me to have a drink from one of your jugs?(你能讓我從你的罐子里喝點水嗎?)

    6、Since you are the sole captain of your life, don't allow others to steer your ship.(因為你是你生命之舟上唯一的船長,不要允許他人去掌舵你的船。)

    7、Internet providers allow instant viewing of almost any movie or television program ever created.(互聯(lián)網提供商允許即時觀看幾乎所有的電影或電視節(jié)目。)

    8、It is better for the sake of evolution to allow creatures to go extinct.(為了進化,最好讓生物滅絕。)

    9、Allow plenty of time to get to the airport.(留出足夠的時間到達機場。)

    10、Rested in the Pacific Ocean, Mauna Kea's peak rises above the bulk of our planet's dense atmosphere, where conditions allow telescopes to obtain images of unsurpassed clarity.(莫納克亞山坐落在太平洋上,它的峰頂高出地球大部分的稠密大氣,條件允許望遠鏡獲得無比清晰的圖像。)

    11、You can expand the width of the columns in this view, which will allow you to see more of the contents.(您可以在這個視圖中展開這個欄目的寬度,這將允許您查看更多的內容。)

    12、The scale of this transition won't allow that.(這種轉變的規(guī)模不允許這樣做。) 【hao86.com好工具】

    13、The regulations do notallow of any variation.(這些規(guī)定不容許任何變動。)

    14、The new laws allow the confiscation of assets purchased with proceeds of the drugs trade.(新法律允許通過毒品交易獲益購置的財產的沒收。)

    15、All of these nutrients allow you to think more clearly.(所有這些營養(yǎng)素都能讓您更清楚地思考。)

    16、Allow me to embrace you as a sign of my eternal gratitude.(請允許我擁抱你,以表達我永遠的感激之情。)

    17、We cannot allow dogmatism to stand in the way of progress.(我們不能讓教條主義阻礙前進的步伐。)

    18、He wouldn't allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job.(他不會讓情緒妨礙自己的工作。)

    19、She refused to allow the exhibition of her husband's work.(她拒不允許展出她丈夫的作品。)

    20、The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.(聯(lián)合國已同意允許提供緊急援助。)

    21、These allow for different kinds of interactions about our health needs without involving the medical team.(在不需要醫(yī)療團隊參與的情況下,這些使我們的健康需求可以進行不同類型的交互。)

    22、They take in rain and allow it to flow into the soil instead of running off.(它們吸收雨水,讓雨水流進土壤,而不是流走。)

    23、The factsallow of only one explanation.(這些事實只可能有一種解釋。)

    24、"Regions of outward migration allow planets and planetoids to survive, " Mac Low said.(麥克·勞說:“向外遷移的地區(qū)使行星和小行星得以生存?!?

    25、Neither it nor any of the others allow you to use their app to actually do reporting like this.(它們中沒有一款應用程序可以讓你使用它們的程序來做這樣的報告。)

    26、Get out of yourself, and allow this wonder and this connection to fill you, and lift you up today.(突破你自己,讓這奇跡和這聯(lián)系充實你,并提升今日的你。)

    27、They allow a certain amount of salt to enter their cells, bringing the salt content of the water within the plant, to a slightly higher concentration than that of the surrounding seawater.(它們允許一定量的鹽分進入它們的細胞,將水中的鹽分帶進植物體內,并把其體內的鹽含量提高到比周圍海水稍高的濃度。)

    28、The issue of voluntary part-time relates to Obamacare because one of the main purposes was to allow people to get insurance outside of employment.(自愿兼職與奧巴馬醫(yī)改計劃有關,因為該計劃主要目的之一就是讓人們不就業(yè)也能得到醫(yī)療保險。)

    29、The factsallow of no other explanation.(這些事實不容許有別的解釋。)

allow of基本釋義

allow of

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