a little造句

更新時(shí)間:2025-03-23 21:59:59復(fù)制

a little造句

    1、She gavea little girlish giggle.(她發(fā)出一個(gè)少女似的咯咯笑聲。)

    2、The ship jarreda little.(船輕微震了一下。)

    3、His face wasa little puffed.(他的臉有點(diǎn)腫。)

    4、She edgeda little closer to me.(她慢慢地向我靠近了一些。)

    5、She softened her tonea little.(她稍稍緩和了一下語氣。)

    6、I had grazed my kneesa little.(我的膝蓋擦破了一點(diǎn)皮。)

    7、I'm feelinga little tipsy.(我覺得有點(diǎn)微醉了。) 【hao86.com好工具】

    8、It'sa little misty this morning.(今天早晨有薄霧。)

    9、Could you goa little slower?(你能走慢點(diǎn)嗎?)

    10、I'm stilla little jet-lagged.(我還是有一點(diǎn)時(shí)差反應(yīng)。)

    11、Her son isa little horror.(她的兒子是個(gè)小搗蛋鬼。)

    12、Everyone needsa little downtime.(大家都需要休息一下。)

    13、The discussion gota little heavy.(討論變得有點(diǎn)嚴(yán)肅。)

    14、I hada little laugh to myself.(我暗自笑了笑。)

    15、She's feelinga little homesick.(她感到有些想家了。)

    16、That ladder looksa little shaky.(這梯子看來不大牢靠。)

    17、She's sucha little monkey.(她是這么個(gè)小淘氣。)

    18、I might takea little nap.(我可能會打個(gè)盹兒。)

    19、He gave my handa little squeeze.(他輕輕捏了捏我的手。)

    20、He wondered if the idea wasn't justa little too flaky,a little too outlandish.(他懷疑這個(gè)想法不僅僅是有點(diǎn)太古怪、而且還有點(diǎn)離奇。)

    21、He gavea little chuckle.(他輕聲一笑。)

    22、She gavea little giggle.(她咯咯地笑了一下。)

    23、He dida little dance of triumph.(他興高采烈地舞動了幾步。)

    24、He lookeda little scruffy.(他看著有點(diǎn)邋遢。)

    25、She felta little better now.(這會兒她覺得好點(diǎn)兒了。)

    26、He was marrieda little while ago.(他前不久剛結(jié)了婚。)

    27、She gave hima little pinch.(她輕輕地?cái)Q了他一下。)

    28、Shall we walka little way?(我們走一小段路好嗎?)

    29、His left eye squintsa little.(他左眼有點(diǎn)斜視。)

    30、I wasa little miffed about that.(我對此有點(diǎn)惱火。)

a little基本釋義

a little

英 [? ?litl] 美 [e ?l?tl] 
一點(diǎn); 少許; 略微; 稍(用于不可數(shù)名詞之前)