
a last resort造句

a last resort造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 22:00:01復制

a last resort造句

    1、SQL statements should be used only asa last resort, if no other method of querying the database will work.(SQL語句的方式應該是您選擇的最后一種方式,如果上面幾種方法不適合您的話。)

    2、He says action, military or otherwise, by external powers isa last resort.(他說,除非萬不得已,不會使用外部武力或者其它手段。)

    3、The IMF offered Hungary help last week, but Hungary said that would bea last resort.(IMF上周曾提出幫助匈牙利,但匈牙利當時表示,不到最后不會走這條路。)

    4、Asa last resort, set the font size to 12pt.(作為最后手段,將字體設置為12pt。)

    5、Asa last resort, or when the gamer cannot get access at all, you can provide a telephone number.(如果玩家無法通過其他渠道聯(lián)系客戶服務人員,作為最后一種聯(lián)系手段,可以提供一個電話號碼。)

    6、a last resort would be to explicitly pre-process the input file before using it in gnuplot.(最后的一個方法是在gnuplot中使用輸入文件之前對其進行預處理。)

    7、Strike action should be regarded asa last resort , when all attempts to negotiate have failed.(罷工應該是最后一著,在所有的談判努力都告失敗時才使用。)

    8、You can use me asa last resort, and if nobody else volunteers, then I will do it.(你可以把我當作最后的選擇,如果沒有其他人自愿報名,那我就來做。)

    9、I find it helpful to have a rule that I give advice only asa last resort.(我覺得建立這樣一個原則很有用:不到萬不得已,不以提供意見為解決手段。)

    10、They all have side effects, however, and should only be considered asa last resort.(他們都會有副作用,所以應該要慎重考慮不用萬非得以的時候。)

    11、Shout only asa last resort.(只有最后一次求助時才能大聲喊叫。)

    12、Existing fossil fuel stations are "mothballed" for use only asa last resort.(現(xiàn)有的礦物燃料發(fā)電站被“封存”,僅在萬不得已時使用。)

    13、As I say in just about every design article I write, center alignment should bea last resort, not a first.(正如我在所有幻燈片設計的文章里所說的,居中對齊應該是你的最后選擇而非首選。)

    14、Shout only asa last resort - Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.(在其他方式不奏效的情況下再選擇呼喊——因為喊叫可能使人吸入大量有害灰塵。)

    15、She came to me asa last resort, having been single for a decade.(萬不得已,在單身十年后,她來找我了。)

    16、Asa last resort, the letter added, flagrant offenders should face having their connections suspended.(該信補充道作為最后手段對明目張膽者應停止其寬帶連接。)

    17、Only asa last resort should you write your own layout manager.(只有在萬不得已時才編寫自己的布局管理器。)

    18、Denver clinical psychologist Susan Heitler says couples often view her as "a last resort."(丹佛市臨床心理學家SusanHeitler說,很多夫婦將諮詢她視作“最后的晚餐”。)

    19、Francis Maude, the Cabinet Secretary, this morning said that new laws could be introduced as "a last resort".(內(nèi)閣大臣弗朗西斯·莫德今天早晨表示,有可能作為“最后一招”而采用新法律。)

    20、In my opinion, transplanting coral should only be used asa last resort.(在我看來,移植珊瑚只能作為最后的手段。)

    21、Version indicators area last resort, to denote incompatible changes.(版本標識器是表示不兼容變更的最后的一招。)

    22、While still considereda last resort, this can be used to diagnose particularly difficult problems.(盡管這是最后才會使用的辦法,但我們可以使用它來診斷一些特別難以處理的問題。)

    23、Two years ago, with markets dislocated, almost everyone agreed that selling should bea last resort.(一位律師說:“兩年前,市場混亂,幾乎所有人都一致同意出售是最后的辦法。”)

    24、These drugs should only ever be used asa last resort.(這些藥物任何時候只能用作最后補救措施。)

    25、Fighting should always bea last resort. It's much better to walk away.(戰(zhàn)斗應該是最后一招,最好是走開。)

    26、Creating an external UDF should be used asa last resort.(創(chuàng)建外部UDF應該作為最后的手段。)

    27、Later, Defra said culling the birds would only bea last resort.(隨后,Defra說捕殺這種鳥只會是最后一招。)

    28、Nuclear weapons should be used only asa last resort.(核武器應該只被用作最后手段。)

a last resort基本釋義
