
can not help造句

can not help造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:54:15復制

can not help造句

    1、Even though we have pulled out all the stops, we stillcan not help the problem.(即使我們利用所有資源與力量,仍然無助這個問題。)

    2、Seeing those bright smile face, looking at that sentence sensational flowers, Ican not help but shed tears.(看著那些笑得燦爛的臉蛋,看著那一句句煽情的花,我不禁流淚。)

    3、I appreciate your difficulties, but Ican not help.(我深知你的難處,但是我愛莫能助。)

    4、A close your eyes, theycan not help think of those annoying Fan Xinshi.(一閉上眼睛,便不由自主地想到那些擾人的煩心事。)

    5、Ican not help think the same.(我不禁也有同樣的想法。)

    6、Has been forced to love you, but, finally found that timecan not help me.(一直很強迫自己愛你,可是,最后卻發(fā)現(xiàn)時間不能幫我。)

    7、Actually, that little moneycan not help too much in their life.(實際上,那點錢對于他們的生活并沒有多大的幫助。)

    8、My parentscan not help me either.(我父母也幫不了我。)

    9、Wecan not help but ask why more natural calamity happened now than the past.(我們不禁要問為什么此時比過去更自然災害發(fā)生。)

    10、Ican not help thinking that this must be the closest thing to paradise one can find on earth!(我不禁產(chǎn)生這樣的聯(lián)想:這里一定是地球上最像天堂的地方!)

    11、Jay Choucan not help the tears flow out.(周杰倫的眼淚禁不住流了出來。)

    12、I regret that Ican not help.(很抱歉,此事我愛莫能助。)

    13、Theycan not help to clean the classroom.(他們不能幫忙打掃教室。)

    14、Ican not help but.(我不禁喜笑顏開。)

    15、Put down the "Three Kingdoms", youcan not help feeling there are stock: a girl is such a sensitive animal.(放下手中的《三國演義》,心里不禁有股感慨:女孩子就是這樣一種敏感的動物。) hAo86.com

    16、Many problems can only be solved by ourselves, otherscan not help us, we must be strong.(許多煩惱只能靠我們自己解決,別人幫不了我們,我們要自己堅強。)

    17、Everything has come to the extent of burning on the eyebrows, but I stillcan not help it.(一切都已經(jīng)到了燒眉毛的程度上了,可我還是一點辦法也沒有。)

    18、The taxi, the first distance so close to us all some congestion, but Ican not help but to pull her hand.(出租車上,第一次距離這么近讓我們都有些局促,但我還是不禁去牽她的手。)

    19、I looked at her fortitude, dedicated attitude,can not help with respect.(我望著她那剛毅的神情,專注的態(tài)度,不禁油然而生敬意。)

    20、Hecan not help exclaiming at how tall his son have grown.(他的兒子已長那么高了,他不禁驚叫起來。)

can not help基本釋義

can not help

英 [k?n n?t help] 美 [k?n nɑt h?lp] 
