
basketball game造句

basketball game造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:57:05復制

basketball game造句

    1、So that leaves Tuesday and Thursday, and the boys'basketball game against Overfield was rescheduled for next Tuesday.(那么,只剩星期二和星期四,而男生對奧夫·菲爾德的籃球賽改在了下個星期二。)

    2、She felt more beaten up after a toughbasketball game than she did now.(她可能在打完一場激烈的籃球賽之后比現(xiàn)在更感到精疲力竭。)

    3、You could twist your ankle in abasketball game, but then be afraid to ever play again.(你可能會在一場籃球比賽中扭腳,并從此害怕再打球。)

    4、Actually when I was teaching here, there was a Princeton-Pennbasketball game.(實際上,我在這里教學時,曾經(jīng)有一場普林斯頓和賓夕法尼亞大學籃球賽。)

    5、I turned off thebasketball game and started to write.(我關掉了電視上的籃球比賽,開始書寫。)

    6、He told me that this would be the last time he cut any classes for abasketball game.(他告訴我,這會是他最后一次因為籃球比賽逃課。)

    7、He came up to me, welcomed me to the school and offered to organize abasketball game.(他向我走了過來,對我來到該校表示了歡迎,然后提議組織一場籃球賽。)

    8、Today was our lastbasketball game of the season.(今天是我們這個球季的最后一場籃球賽。)

    9、Whether it's a decision-making session, abasketball game, or a family outing, they can't help grabbing the lead dog position and clinging on to it for dear life.(無論是決策會議,一場籃球賽,還是一次家庭郊游,他們都會禁不住地搶占領頭羊的位置,拼命地緊緊抓住它。)

    10、This would be the last time I cut any classes for abasketball game.(這會是我最后一次為籃球比賽而逃課。)

    11、It hasn't affected hisbasketball game.(畢竟這并沒有影響他看籃球賽。)

    12、You might hug your teammates after winning abasketball game.(你可能會在贏得一場籃球賽后擁抱你的隊友。)

    13、He was attending a high schoolbasketball game in his hometown of Sherwood, Oregon, and noticed that many kids at his age were wearing the same white Nike sport socks.(當時他在家鄉(xiāng)俄勒岡州的舍伍德觀看一場高中籃球賽,他注意到許多和他同齡的孩子都穿著同樣的白色耐克運動襪。)

    14、In thebasketball game, China won against the Philippines by a heavy score of 108 to 71.(在那場籃球賽中,中國隊以108比71的懸殊比分大勝菲律賓隊。)

    15、It's halftime at a Dallas Mavericksbasketball game.(這是達拉斯小牛隊籃球賽的下半時。)

    16、He was attending a high schoolbasketball game in his hometown of Sherwood, Oregon, and noticed that many kids his age were wearing the same white Nike sport socks.(當時他在家鄉(xiāng)俄勒岡州的舍伍德參加一場高中籃球賽,他注意到很多和他同齡的孩子都穿著同樣的白色耐克運動襪。)

    17、He is all eyes when he goes to abasketball game.(他聚精會神地看籃球比賽。)

    18、Searching for the bigbasketball game?(你正在搜索一場重要的籃球比賽?)

    19、B: Ok, l'll do it right after thebasketball game.(好,看完這場籃球賽我就去。) 【hao86.com好工具】

    20、He refereed abasketball game yesterday.(他昨天為一場籃球賽作裁判。)

    21、After our first date at abasketball game in January 1959, we were always together.(1959年我們在一個籃球比賽第一次約會后,我們就總是在一起。)

    22、He would never forget the first time he saw abasketball game.(他永遠不會忘記自己第一次看籃球的情景。)

    23、How many times can I commit a foul in abasketball game?(一場籃球比賽中我能犯幾次規(guī)呢?)

    24、I'd like to watch thebasketball game on TV.(我想在電視上看籃球比賽。)

    25、They lost thebasketball game by three points.(他們打籃球輸了三分。)

    26、Shanghai regained some of its zest after the war, as seen in the everyday bustle of a bar orbasketball game.(戰(zhàn)后上海仍保留著它所獨有的風味,這在日間繁忙的小館子和籃球賽中依稀可見。)

    27、Would you be willing to play him on a one-on-onebasketball game?(你愿意和他打一場一對一的籃球賽嗎?)

basketball game基本釋義
