
beyond compare造句

beyond compare造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 21:50:04復制

beyond compare造句

    1、beyond compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders.(除了比較可以讓你快速,方便地比較您的文件和文件夾。)

    2、My vertical-horizontal network BBS has thought that there will not any model that can move me again for many years, have never expected that saw so exquisitebeyond compare a such a model today!(我縱橫網絡BBS多年,自以為再也不會有任何帖子能打動我,沒想到今天看到了如此精妙絕倫的這樣一篇帖子!)

    3、And would I be sure that this is lovebeyond compare?(我是否能肯定這就是,這就是無與倫比的愛?)

    4、With all these features and a relatively low cost,beyond compare 3 takes comparison, synchronization and merging of files and directories well beyond ordinary levels.(使用所有這些功能和相對較低成本,未來比較3會比較、同步和文件和目錄也超出普通級別的合并。)

    5、Although, by comparison, we've found that ARGO reliability isbeyond compare and therefore few repairs are required.(雖然,通過比較,我們發(fā)現(xiàn),ARGO計劃的可靠性無法比擬的,因此很少需要維修。)

    6、The Louvre is a great museum - arguablybeyond compare in the range, scale and quality of its collections - but it's a hard place to love. It is almost too grand for that.(像盧浮宮這樣一座偉大的博物館-無論在其規(guī)模還是收藏品的價值方面都被公認為無以倫比,然而,它卻因過于龐大和偉大而很難讓人愛上。)

    7、If you want new features inbeyond compare, please post your Suggestions here.(如果你想在以后的新功能比較,請在這里發(fā)表您的建議。)

    8、The landscape here isbeyond compare.(風景這邊獨好。)

    9、That's why it is is very delicate to compare two "similar" watches without having the background details which ago beyond a first look.(所以,如果沒有對各種細節(jié)背景的詳細對比,僅僅從直觀印象來對比兩塊表會變得非常微妙。)

    10、Upon launchingbeyond compare 3, you start a "session" of one of the three aspects of functionality: Compare, Synchronize or Merge.(一旦啟動未來比較3,啟動一個“會話”之一的功能的三個方面:比較、同步或合并。)

    11、Though powerfulbeyond compare, this enchantment is also delicate in the extreme.(與無與倫比的威力相應,這個魔法也復雜到的極致。)

    12、beyond compare is focused.(除了比較集中。)

    13、Thanks for grace that none can measure, Thanks for lovebeyond compare!(感謝神賜無限恩典,感謝神無比大愛!)

    14、And would I be sure that this is love?beyond compare?(我是否能肯定這就是無與倫比的愛情?)

    15、beyond compare - a file comparing tool.(BeyondCompare:一個文件比較工具。)

    16、Did I tell you that you're stillbeyond compare?(我是否告訴過你,你依然無可取代?)

    17、Her beauty isbeyond compare.(她的美麗是無以倫比的。)

    18、The light, as always, wasbeyond compare and there was a watery chill in the air.(光線一如既往地無與倫比,空氣里還有潮濕的寒意。)

    19、Love holds each heart like a fragile ornament, yet gives us STRENGTHbeyond compare.(愛雖然使得每顆心似矯揉易脆的精美裝飾品,卻又同時給予我們無與倫比的力量!)

    20、The word of a king, or a general, has great influence over his soldiers. And how greatbeyond compare is the Word of the Infinite and Almighty One!(一個國王,或一個將軍,對他隨從或士兵講的話,具有權威,更何況一個全能的主宰,祂的話語既出,豈不更帶有無限的權能?)

    21、The beauty of the scene wasbeyond compare.(景色之美無與倫比。) Hao86.com

    22、The bright surfaces and the material, set with SwarovskiCrystals, produce an effect that isbeyond compare.(明亮的外表和材質,裝飾有施華洛世奇水晶,形成了一種無與倫比的效果。)

    23、If we compare the two kinds of general methods to the reference method, only the sample in CRM matrix with high value go beyond the 95% confident interval.(在兩種常規(guī)方法和參考方法的比較中,僅CRM基質的高值樣本偏于95%可信區(qū)間。)

    24、Ouyang said another important goal of the Mars mission was to detect solar systems beyond earth's reach and to compare the origins of earth-like planets with the formation of the solar system.(歐陽自遠稱,火星計劃另外一個重要目標是,探測地球以外的太陽系,并將其它類地行星的起源與太陽系的形成相比較。)

    25、Chinese classical gardens are exquisitebeyond compare, filled with poetic beauty with strong literati atmosphere.(中國古典園林精妙絕倫,整個園林充滿詩情畫意,文人氣息濃郁。)

    26、The view of the little hill isbeyond compare.(這小山的景色無與倫比。)

beyond compare基本釋義

beyond compare

英 [bi?j?nd k?m?p??] 美 [bi?ɑnd k?m?p?r] 
