coffee table造句

更新時(shí)間:2025-03-23 21:52:43復(fù)制

coffee table造句

    1、Nick drops another box full of paper onto thecoffee table of his apartment.(Nick將另一個(gè)裝滿文件的盒子放在他公寓的咖啡桌上。)

    2、To not spend the money where we don't see the benefit (nocoffee table).(錢只花在有用的地方(把諸如買咖啡桌這樣的錢省下來(lái)吧)。)

    3、Thecoffee table was my grandma’s.(咖啡桌是我祖母的。)

    4、She fell against ourcoffee table and got a large bump on her forehead.(她撞到了我們的咖啡桌跌倒了,前額起了一個(gè)大包。)

    5、She wondered if she might stack her books and turn them into legs for acoffee table.(她很好奇自己可能把書(shū)籍堆起來(lái)墊她的咖啡桌。)

    6、Not sure I'd want to put my mug on the cheese-baited mouse-eatingcoffee table though.(不過(guò)我可拿不準(zhǔn)自己會(huì)不會(huì)把杯子伸向用奶酪誘捕并吞食老鼠的咖啡桌。)

    7、Thecoffee table is glass, to be as unobtrusive as possible.(咖啡茶幾是玻璃制的,盡可能地不引人注目。)

    8、Release round up, and take over a cup, put the tea, pour boiling water, and then on thecoffee table.(釋圓起身,又取過(guò)一個(gè)杯子,放茶葉,倒沸水,再放在茶幾上。)

    9、She put the bottle on thecoffee table beside him, banging it down hard. He started at the sound, his concentration broken.(她把那個(gè)瓶子砰地一聲放在他身邊的咖啡桌上,他被這聲音嚇了一跳,注意力被打斷了。)

    10、Thiscoffee table sucks.(這張咖啡臺(tái)太差勁了。)

    11、He has literature on towers,coffee table books about towers and pictures of towers.(他有很多關(guān)于塔的文獻(xiàn)資料、休閑讀物和圖片。)

    12、He extracted several glossy prints and spread them out on a lowcoffee table.(他抽出幾張光面照片鋪在一張矮咖啡桌上。)

    13、Thecoffee table is from Oly and is one of my favorite pieces in the room.(咖啡桌來(lái)自O(shè)ly,是我本人最喜歡的地方。)

    14、Don't try to work from yourcoffee table or dining room table.(千萬(wàn)別在你的咖啡桌或是飯桌上工作。)

    15、Never toss something on a countertop, table, desktop, bed, dresser top,coffee table, or the floor.(不要在臺(tái)面、桌子、辦公桌、床、抽屜、咖啡桌或者地板上亂放東西。)

    16、He sprang to his feet, grabbing his keys off thecoffee table.(他跳了起來(lái),從咖啡桌上抓起他的鑰匙。)

    17、I still remember how long it took to polish the legs of ourcoffee table.(我依然記得擦亮我們的咖啡桌子腿兒要花多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間。)

    18、When he chose his father, she walloped him hard enough to knock him off the sofa and onto a glasscoffee table.(當(dāng)詹姆斯選擇父親時(shí),母親狠狠地將他揍了一頓,將他從沙發(fā)上拽起扔到一張玻璃咖啡桌上。)

    19、The couch is from room service and thecoffee table is from ikea.(在roomservice買的沙發(fā),咖啡桌是宜家的。)

    20、The room andcoffee table started shaking for about 10 seconds, "Mr Andreotti said."(“整個(gè)屋子還有桌子,搖晃了10秒鐘?!盇ndreotti先生說(shuō),“我從沒(méi)想到會(huì)在墨爾本經(jīng)歷到這些事!”)

    21、I lost my balance and hit my head on the corner of mycoffee table and then on the floor.(我失去了平衡并且頭撞到了我的咖啡桌的桌角,然后頭撞到地板上。)

    22、“This isn’t for me,” she said, sliding the whole mess over to my end of thecoffee table.(“這不是給我的,”她說(shuō),邊說(shuō)邊把這亂糟糟的一大攤東西從咖啡桌上推到我的面前。)

    23、Golden Adele, in paperweight form, lay on thecoffee table and was rubbed hard for luck.(咖啡桌上放著做成鎮(zhèn)紙石的“金色阿黛勒”,為求訴訟順利,它被精心撫拭。)

    24、In the living room hesaw mismatched furniture arranged around a wickercoffee table.(客廳中間是一張柳木咖啡桌,周圍擺放著一些不配套的家具。)

    25、Image above: We love fruit! Thecoffee table was my grandma's.(上圖:我們喜歡水果??Х茸朗俏易婺傅?。)

    26、Check out thecoffee table!(咖啡桌夠勁兒吧!)

    27、Tabletop displays commercially available are the size of acoffee table.(商用版的桌面顯示器有一張咖啡桌那么大。)

    28、An armchair was on the other side of thecoffee table.(茶幾的另一邊還有一張扶手椅。)

    29、He got up slowly and hobbled over to thecoffee table.(他慢慢地起身,一瘸一拐地走到咖啡桌邊。)

coffee table基本釋義

coffee table

英 [?k?fi ?teibl] 美 [?k?fi ?teb?l] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):coffee tables

