Chinese knot造句
更新時間:2025-03-23 21:53:20復制
Chinese knot造句
1、I think she will like thisChinese knot for her birthday.(我想她會喜歡這個中國結(jié)作為她的生日禮物。)
2、Overthe years,Chinese knot has now evolved to a kind of elegant and colorful artware from owningpractical use.(多年來,中國結(jié)從原來擁有實際用途演變成一種優(yōu)雅的、豐富多彩的工藝品。)
3、Chinese knot is used for exchange as a gift, praying for... and protecting against... as jewelry.(中國結(jié)常常作為禮物交換或作為飾品祈求好運和辟邪。)
4、Chinese knot by paleolithic sew knot, promote the han dynasty to Chicago, then turned into this chronicle of adornment craftsmanship.(中國結(jié)由舊石器時代的縫衣打結(jié),推展至漢朝的儀禮記事,再演變成今日的裝飾手藝。)
5、TheChinese knot was firstly invented by craftsman and it has become an elegant art after hundred years of improvement.(中國結(jié)最初是由手工藝人發(fā)明的,經(jīng)過數(shù)百年不斷的改進,已經(jīng)成為一種優(yōu)雅多彩的藝術和工藝。)
6、At the top of the pendant with a decorated with wrappers do littleChinese knot, is really the icing on the cake.(在掛飾的最上方還用一個用糖紙做的小中國結(jié)做裝飾,真是錦上添花。)
7、Firstly, just as the name implies, Fengming Lake is a very vast lake, which is designed artistically with the meaning and shape of "TheChinese knot".(首先,正如名字所暗示的,鳳鳴湖是一個非常大的湖,它被設計得很有藝術意味和形狀的“中國結(jié)”。)
8、TheChinese knot is the Chinese tradition jubilation knot.(中國結(jié)是中國傳統(tǒng)的喜慶結(jié)。)
9、Chinese knot, after evolution of thousands of years, has already built up a special artistic symbol system historically.(中國結(jié)經(jīng)過幾千年的演變,歷史地構(gòu)建起一個特殊的藝術符號系統(tǒng)。) 【hao86.com好工具】
10、Sell theChinese knot, door god, the paving red as fire and lively of antithetical couplet there, very seething with joy.(在那里出售中國結(jié),門神,對聯(lián)的攤鋪火紅熱鬧,一片喜氣洋洋。)
11、Today, we have the chance to learn how to make aChinese knot.(同時,我們今天來交給我們中國結(jié)的編制方法。)
12、There is a bigChinese knot on the wall.(有一個大中國結(jié)在墻上。)
13、Long entrenched as a traditionalChinese knot shape - a symbol of this communication, integration and harmony of the four ideas.(龍盤踞成傳統(tǒng)的中國結(jié)形狀——象征這溝通,融合,四方大同的思想。)
14、Chinese knot is a miniature of the ancient Chinese civilization, and it is unique to Chinese traditional manual art.(中國結(jié)是中華古老文明的一個縮影,是中國特有的民間手工藝術。)
15、Today, people are fond ofChinese knot for its characteristic form, colorfulnessand profound meaning.(今天,人們喜歡中國結(jié),是因為其形式特別、色彩多變并且意義深厚。)
16、TheChinese knot also plays an important role in modern clothing design.(中國結(jié)在現(xiàn)代服飾設計中也起著重要的作用。)
17、TheChinese knot is also known as "woven knot" with each knot woven with one single red rope.(中國結(jié),又稱盤長結(jié),每一個結(jié)都是從頭到尾用一根紅繩編織而成。)
18、There is a bigChinese knot on the wall. There are lanterns below the lights. I like them.(墻上有一紅色的中國結(jié),有一個像燈籠的吊燈,這些我都喜歡。)
19、Chinese knot series up whole hang adorn, moral festival, luck and appropriate collection or friends and relatives.(中國結(jié)串聯(lián)起整件掛飾,寓意喜慶,吉祥如意,適宜典藏或饋贈親朋好友。)
20、Chinese knot, each knot is from start to finish with a knot made from silk, every node and in accordance with its basic form, naming Italy.(中國結(jié),每一個結(jié)從頭到尾都是用一根絲線編結(jié)而成,每一個基本結(jié)又根據(jù)其形、意命名。)
21、Categories:Chinese knot, nylon tape, magic, such as gum.(類:中國結(jié)、尼龍粘扣帶、背膠魔術貼等。)
22、Decked with goldenChinese knot and auspicious clouds, the lantern will represent best wishes for the country.(裝飾著金色中國結(jié)和祥云的燈籠將代表著人們對國家的美好祝福。)
23、Chinese knot is often used to express good wishes.(“中國結(jié)”常用來表示美好的祝愿。)