3、There iskeen competition for places at the college.(要在這所學(xué)院就讀競爭是非常激烈的。)
4、Most managements arekeen to avoid strikes.(大多數(shù)經(jīng)營者都很希望避免罷工的發(fā)生。)
5、We arekeen that our school should get involved too.(我們盼著自己學(xué)校也參與其中。)
6、He had retained akeen interest in the progress of the work.(他一直對工作的進展保持著強烈的興趣。)
7、Being tookeen to win can have dangerous consequences.(過于渴望勝利會帶來危險的后果。)
8、They described him as a man ofkeen intellect.(他們把他描述成一個才思敏銳的人。)
9、She's notkeen on being told what to do.(她不喜歡別人向她發(fā)號施令。)
10、She herself was not akeen gardener.(她本人就不是一個熱衷于園藝的人。)
11、They always find a new angle, a different part to bekeen on especially this class. I think they are reallykeen on it.(他們總能找一個全新的角度,熱衷于這個班級的一個不同的角度。我認為他們對它很有熱情。)
12、The blind have akeen touch.(盲人有敏銳的觸覺。) hAo86.com
13、She wasn'tkeen on the idea to start with.(她一開始并不喜歡這個主意。)
14、It is a brief happiness, but will be not lesskeen for that.(這是一種短暫的快樂,但人們對它的渴望不會減弱。)
15、She's verykeen to learn about Japanese culture.(她渴望學(xué)習(xí)日本文化。)
16、My wife's akeen gardener.(我的妻子是個熱衷園藝的人。)
17、Susan has akeen eye for detail, so each dress is beautifully finished.(蘇珊對細節(jié)有敏銳的眼力,所以每件衣服都完成得相當漂亮。)
18、Dogs have akeen sense of smell.(狗的嗅覺很靈敏。)
19、Many area residents arekeen bicyclists.(許多當?shù)鼐用穸紵嶂杂隍T自行車。)
20、He's madkeen on planes.(他對飛機十分著迷。)
21、He took akeen interest in his grandson's education.(他對孫子的教育很感興趣。)
22、The receivers arekeen to sell the stores as one lot.(接受方非常愿意把這些商店一起拍賣。)
23、I wasn't tookeen on going to the party.(我不太想去參加這次聚會。)
24、She was akeen amateur photographer.(她是一個癡迷的業(yè)余攝影師。)
25、Lots of children and young people in their 20s arekeen to learn.(許多孩子和20多歲的年輕人熱衷于學(xué)習(xí)。)
26、They arekeen to experience the natural beauty.(他們渴望體驗自然之美。)
27、He was a small-time lawyerkeen to be someone.(他是個沒有什么名堂卻總想出人頭地的律師。)
28、I wasn't tookeen on physics and chemistry.(我對物理和化學(xué)并不太熱衷。)