for free造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 12:10:25復制

for free造句

    1、Metrics do not comefor free.(度量標準不是免費的。)

    2、Working-class parents, meanwhile, believe their children will naturally thrive, and give them far greater independence and timefor free play.(與此同時,工薪階層的父母相信他們的孩子會自然茁壯成長,給予他們的獨立性和自由玩耍的時間要多得多。)

    3、Worst of all, when her son, Ned, fell and injured his knee, she refused to pay for a doctor and spent hours lookingfor free medical help.(最糟糕的是,當她的兒子內德摔壞膝蓋時,她拒絕請醫(yī)生,而且花了幾個小時尋找免費的醫(yī)療幫助。)

    4、To her surprise and joy, Makofsky agreed that Tani could learn itfor free.(令她又驚又喜的是,馬科夫斯基同意塔妮可以免費學習。)

    5、The editor is not only offered 5,000 dollars to pay off his newspaper's debts, but this Smith character also offers his servicesfor free.(這個叫史密斯的人不僅給主編5000美元來償還報紙的債務,而且還免費為其提供服務。)

    6、Google will be able to display up to 20% of orphan worksfor free, include them in its subscription deals to libraries and sell them to individual buyers under the consumer licence.(谷歌將能夠免費展示20%的孤兒作品,將它們納入圖書館的訂閱協(xié)議中,并在消費者許可下出售給個人買家。)

    7、You get an extra bitfor free.(您“免費”得到一個額外的位。)

    8、There is little point doing that if a tablet user can simply read the newsfor free on a web browser.(如果平板電腦用戶可以簡單地在網絡瀏覽器上免費閱讀新聞,那么這樣做就沒有什么意義了。)

    9、He was giving his collection awayfor free.(他正在無償捐贈他的收藏。)

    10、The band is labeled with a tracking number, and there is a phone number on the band for people to callfor free, to report a banded bird they've found or recaptured.(這只手環(huán)上有一個追蹤號碼,還有一個人們可以免費撥打的電話號碼,舉報他們發(fā)現或捕獲的標記雀鳥。)

    11、The top 100 leading tickets will get an autograph photofor free.(前100名訂票者將免費獲得主角親筆簽名照片一張。)

    12、Children lining upfor free food.(孩子們排隊領取免費食物。)

    13、I wasn't expecting you to do itfor free.(我并沒指望你無償地做這個。)

    14、You can usually either bring your own towel, or hire one there, but they don't usually provide thosefor free.(通常你可以自己帶毛巾,也可以在那里租一條,但他們一般不會免費提供。)

    15、He was also a brilliant propagandistfor free trade.(他也是一個杰出的倡導自由貿易的宣傳者。)

    16、You mean how the university invites local residents to attend certain lectures and classesfor free?(你是問,這所大學是如何邀請當地居民免費參加某些講座和課程的嗎?)

    17、Drake agreed to ship them to Nepalfor free.(德雷克同意免費把它們運到尼泊爾。)

    18、Can seniors in Western countries take the trainsfor free?(西方國家的老年人可以免費乘坐火車嗎?)

    19、Because of this, we are asking you either to repeat the campaign next yearfor free, or we only pay 50% of the fee for this year.(正因為如此,我們要求你要么明年免費幫我們再次舉行這個活動,要么我們今年只支付50%的費用。)

    20、Buy any full price movie ticket on weekdays, you can buy a second ticket for a friend for only half price, or a second ticketfor free on your birthday!(工作日購買任意全價電影票,只需半價即可為朋友購買第二張電影票,生日當天也可免費購買第二張電影票!)

    21、What's more, besides getting reading materials, writers can help out in the bookstore in exchange for staying therefor free.(更重要的是,除了得到閱讀材料,作家可以在書店幫忙來免費留宿。)

    22、We finally arrived at the big barber shop, where they cut our hairfor free because we were orphans.(我們終于到了那家大理發(fā)店,他們免費為我們剪頭發(fā),因為我們是孤兒。)

    23、At some point the debt will be called in, and all those service—the things which the planet does for usfor free—will grind to a halt.(在某一時刻,債務將被收回,所有這些服務——地球免費為我們做的那些事情——將慢慢終止。)

    24、The teacher who offered to teach in the orphanagefor free was very respectable.(那位主動提出免費在孤兒院教書的老師很受人尊敬。)

    25、A library usually has a large selection of books and other resources, which library members can use and borrowfor free.(圖書館通常有大量可供選擇的書籍和其他資源,圖書館人員可以免費使用和借閱它們。)

    26、She taught themfor free.(她免費教他們。)

    27、They sent me an invitation with a note, saying I could take a friendfor free on the first day.(他們寄給我一張請柬,上面寫著第一天我可以免費帶一個朋友去。)

    28、You can hardly expect her to do itfor free.(你不可能指望她無償地做這事。)

    29、Are the mealsfor free?(這些飯是免費的嗎?)

for free基本釋義

for free

英 [f?: fri:] 美 [f?r fri] 
