1、His characters aren'tjewel thieves or geniuses.(他小說中的人物沒有盜寶賊也沒有天才。)
2、A stainless steel skin, treated to appear golden, encloses the shimmeringjewel-like shell.(如珠寶般璀璨的館外殼穿上了金色不銹鋼外衣。)
3、The lowest estimate would put the worth of thejewel at $200.(按最低的評估這塊寶石也值200美元。)
4、At the southern end of south America lies thejewel of Patagonia.(南美洲南端的巴塔哥尼亞嵌上了寶石一樣。)
5、His achievement is astonishing and this book is thejewel in his crown.(他成就斐然,這本書是他的最得意之作。)
6、But it is not, for you are the most pricelessjewel in the world to God.(可是并沒有,你是神的無價之寶。)
7、There is gold, and a multitude of rubies: but the lips of knowledge [are] a preciousjewel.(有金子,和許多珍珠。(或作紅寶石)惟有知識的嘴,乃為貴重的珍寶。)
8、But AIA is the crownjewel.(但AIA是皇冠上的寶石。)
9、At first sight, the gold case (pictured) seems an arresting largejewel.(乍看之下,圖中的金盒像一件醒目的珠寶。)
10、It has again turned out to be ajewel of German culture and civilization, " she said.(它再次成為日爾曼文化和文明的一塊珍寶。)
11、But Rodrigues warned: "We were thejewel of Africa, but we've gone back 15 or 20 years.(但羅德里格斯警告說:“我們是非洲之珠,但我們已退回到15年或20年前了。)
12、The Frenchjewel thief was caught by the English police and extradited to France.(那個法國珠寶竊賊被英國的警察抓獲送回法國。)
13、The Angry Birds have been kidnapped, but escape to save their friends Blu andjewel.(憤怒的小鳥被綁架了,但他們得以逃脫并去營救他們的朋友布魯和朱鷗。)
14、Not intimidating once you are inside, but inviting andjewel like sparkling.(一旦你在里面,并不會感到令人生畏的壓抑感,而是熱情的歡迎氣氛,到處像珠寶般閃閃發(fā)亮。)
15、An enchanting setting of rare magic, ajewel, a place of joy and precious emotions.(這里魔法般的迷人布置,是一個寶石般帶給你歡樂和珍貴情感的地方。)
16、Her dresses were injewel patterns, which have been seen before on many runways, but looked cool when the frills spilled down one side of the slender dresses.(她的裙子上有珠寶圖案,這在很多T臺上都見過,但當褶邊從苗條的連衣裙一側滑落時,這些圖案看起來很酷。) Hao86.com
17、Italy's Renaissancejewel is a fine setting for treasures from China's golden age.(中國盛世的珍品在意大利文藝復興時期瑰寶的映襯下熠熠生輝。)
18、Others elevate the egg into a fancy art, like the heavilyjewel-covered "eggs" that were favored by the Russians starting in the 19th century.(另一些人則將雞蛋提升為一種奇特的藝術,像19世紀開始被俄羅斯人青睞的鑲滿寶石的“雞蛋”。)
19、The stars were clear, coloured, andjewel-like, but not frosty.(天上的星星清亮而閃爍著不同顏色的光輝,像珠寶,卻并不是珠寶般凝霜的白。)
20、Gold there is, and rubies in abundance, but lips that speak knowledge are a rarejewel.(有金子和許多珍珠,惟有知識的嘴,乃為貴重的珍寶。)
21、She unwrapped it carefully, to save the paper. A blue-velvetjewel box appeared.(為了不損壞包裝紙,她小心翼翼地把它拆開,一個藍色天鵝絨的首飾盒映入眼簾。)
22、My nephew found a few dewdrops on the Jewishjeweler'sjewel.(侄兒發(fā)現(xiàn)猶太珠寶商的珠寶上有幾滴露珠。)
23、It's ajewel box of about 150 artifacts, the density of the installation providing a powerful experience for the visitor than does the sparser display.(它是一個珠寶盒,大約有150件手工藝品,陳設的密度比稀疏展覽更能為參觀者提供了強大的體驗。)
24、In our lineup of health care products, the Cosmetics division is our crownjewel.(在我們生產衛(wèi)生保健產品的一系列部門中,化妝品部是最具競爭力的拳頭部門。)
25、He asked how much I spent on the rarejewel.(他問我花了多少錢買這件稀有的珠寶。)
26、Green, a dentist from England, left most of his money to the nurse who worked for him if in 5 years she would not wear any kind of make-up orjewel or go out with men.(來自英國的牙醫(yī)格林,把大部分錢留給為他工作的護士,如果5年內她不化妝、不戴首飾、不和男人交往,他就把錢留給她。)