
更新時間:2025-03-09 12:06:49



  • 1、There is anurgent need for qualified teachers.(迫切需要合格教師。)
  • 2、I just use a separate list for theseurgent tasks.(我只是用一個單獨的列表來處理這些緊急任務(wù)。)
  • 3、This is why we must beurgent about our mission.(這就是為什么我們的任務(wù)是如此緊急的原因。)
  • 4、What an employee should do with anurgent task is to finish it on time.(面對一項緊急任務(wù),作為員工應(yīng)該做的就是按時完成它。)
  • 5、She apologized for the intrusion but said she had anurgent message.(她對徑自闖進(jìn)來表示道歉,但說她有緊急消息。)
  • 6、Nobody recognized howurgent the situation was.(誰也沒意識到形勢有多么緊急。)
  • 7、urgent talks are going on to prevent the market going into financial meltdown during the summer.(緊急談判正在進(jìn)行中,以防止市場在夏天陷入金融崩潰。)
  • 8、For the Inuit the problem isurgent.(對于因紐特人來說,這個問題很緊迫。)
  • 9、The doctor has been called to anurgent case.(醫(yī)生接到電話去看急癥。)
  • 10、The matter isurgent and something's got to be done about it at once.(事情很急迫,得趕快處理。)
  • 11、It can be easy to forget important tasks that aren'turgent.(人們很容易忘記一些不緊急的重要任務(wù)。)
  • 12、He wasurgent in his demands.(他的要求很迫切。)
  • 13、She was called away from the meeting to take anurgent phone call.(她被叫出會場去接一個緊急電話。)
  • 14、The criminal justice system is in need ofurgent reform to prevent more people being wrongfully imprisoned.(刑事司法體制急需改革,以防更多的人被不公正地監(jiān)禁。)
  • 15、The general was anxious to cut short the philosophizing and get down to moreurgent problems.(那位將軍急于打斷那些高談闊論,著手解決更加緊急的問題。)
  • 16、It is hoped that immediate action will be taken to tackle thisurgent problem.(大家希望立即采取行動來解決這個緊迫的問題。)
  • 17、We've had anurgent message saying that your father's ill.(我們得到個緊急消息說你父親病了。)
  • 18、Writing these scripts has been quite an eye-opener for me. It proves that you can do anything if the need isurgent.(寫這些腳本對我來講是大開眼界的事。它證明如果需求緊迫,人能做任何事情。)
  • 19、There is anurgent need for more hospital beds.(醫(yī)院床位急需增加。)
  • 20、There is anurgent need for food and water.(有著對食品和水的迫切需要。)
  • 21、There is a general recognition of theurgent need for reform.(人們普遍認(rèn)識到迫切需要改革。)
  • 22、This condition requiresurgent treatment.(這種情況得緊急處理。)
  • 23、His voice was low andurgent.(他的聲音低沉而急切。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 24、There is anurgent need for food and shelter for these displaced people.(急需為這些難民提供食物和住處。)
  • 25、There is nourgent need for high-speed trains.(對高速列車的需求卻不急迫。)
  • 26、The money could be better spent on moreurgent cases.(這筆錢用于較緊迫的事情也許會好些。)
  • 27、I have someurgent business to attend to.(我有一些急事要處理。)
  • 28、The theatre faces closure unless it gets anurgent cash injection.(劇院面臨著倒閉,除非有大筆救急現(xiàn)金投入。)
  • 29、He tried desperately to convey howurgent the situation was.(他不顧一切地試圖說明情況是多么緊急。)
  • 30、The matter is pressing [urgent] and must be dealt with at once.(事情很急,必須立即處理。)



英 [??:d??nt] 美 [??:rd??nt] 
副詞: urgently
