1、They waited and waited for somethingexciting to happen.(他們等啊等啊,等待著激動人心的事情發(fā)生。)
2、exciting, but not asexciting as the answer!(令人興奮,但沒有答案那么令人興奮!)
3、St. Petersburg's night life ranks as moreexciting than the capital's.(圣彼得堡的夜生活比首都的更令人激動。)
4、He told me all the news but none of it was veryexciting.(他告訴了我所有的新聞,但沒有一件激動人心的。)
5、It's anexciting opportunity to learn what goes on behind the scenes.(這是個令人激動的機會,可以了解幕后發(fā)生的事情。)
6、They've got moreexciting players and a moreexciting style of play.(他們有更精彩的選手和更精彩的比賽風格。)
7、This piece of equipment is anexciting new development.(這臺設備是一項振奮人心的最新研究成果。)
8、The race itself is veryexciting.(比賽本身就令人非常興奮。)
9、They bill it as California's mostexciting museum.(他們把這宣傳為加利福尼亞最令人激動的博物館。)
10、This game isexciting.(這場比賽令人興奮。)
11、The second half of the book is moreexciting.(書的后半部分比較刺激有趣。)
12、The chase is always much moreexciting than the conquest anyway.(無論如何,追求總比征服更令人興奮。)
13、The movie has anexciting opening.(電影的開頭非常刺激。)
14、My day-to-day life is not veryexciting.(我的日常生活很平淡。)
15、It's an attitude that turns the mundane into something more interesting andexciting.(正是一種態(tài)度使單調平凡的工作變得更加有趣和刺激。) haO86.com
16、That's theexciting moment.(那是一個激動人心的時刻。)
17、Howexciting it is!(它是多么令人興奮!)
18、exciting possibilities were opening up for her in the new job.(新工作為她帶來了令人興奮的發(fā)展前途。)
19、What made the meetingexciting was the interchange of ideas from different disciplines.(會議上令人興奮的是來自不同學科之間的交流。)
20、The course is anexciting opportunity for anyone wishing to deepen their understanding of themselves and other people.(這門課程對于希望加深了解自己和他人的人們來說,是個令人興奮的機會。)
21、Traveling abroad isexciting.(出國旅行令人興奮。)
22、Building a home from scratch can be bothexciting and challenging.(白手起家既激動人心又具有挑戰(zhàn)性。)
23、The parts of the enterprise which are scientifically the mostexciting are unlikely to be militarily useful. I am thinking here of the development of new kinds of lasers.(這份計劃中,從科學角度看最讓人興奮的部分在軍事上卻可能無用。我指的是新型激光開發(fā)。)
24、The album was anexciting jazz-pop crossover.(這張唱片中收集了爵士樂與流行音樂兩種風格相結合的精彩作品。)
25、It promises to be anexciting few days.(那可望是興奮刺激的幾天。)
26、If you think this all sounds veryexciting, just wait until you read the book.(如果你覺得所有這些聽起來令人興奮,那就等你看了書之后再說吧。)
27、There's anexciting match on at Wimbledon right now.(有一場精彩的比賽此刻正在溫布爾頓正進行著。)
28、"Golly," he says, "Isn't itexciting!"(他說,“天哪!這真是太令人興奮了!”)