
更新時間:2025-03-09 12:02:52



  • 1、There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not toodistant future.(然而毋庸置疑的是,事情在不遠的將來會有改觀。)
  • 2、Astronomers have discovered adistant galaxy.(天文學家們發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個遙遠的星系。)
  • 3、The mountains rolled away to adistant horizon.(群山綿延至遙遠的天邊。)
  • 4、They listened; evidently thedistant shoutings were growing moredistant!(他們聽著,顯然,遠處的喊叫聲越來越遠了!)
  • 5、He was herdistant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of it.(想起來了,他和島上的其他人一樣都是她的遠親。)
  • 6、Lightning flashed among thedistant dark clouds.(遠處的烏云中電光閃閃。)
  • 7、The silence of the night was punctuated by thedistant rumble of traffic.(夜晚的寧靜被遠處車輛的隆隆聲所打破。)
  • 8、distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors.(遠處嘎吱嘎吱的聲音回響在漆黑的走廊里,怪可怕的。)
  • 9、They watched the sun set behind thedistant dales.(他們遠觀夕陽落下山谷。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 10、He was hisdistant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of it.(我突然意識到,他像島上的其他人一樣是他的遠親.)
  • 11、The ibex is adistant relative of the mountain goat.(北山羊與石山羊有較遠的親緣關系。)
  • 12、While they talked they heard adistant sound.(他們談話時聽到遠處有聲音。)
  • 13、Her manner was cold anddistant.(她的態(tài)度冷漠而疏遠。)
  • 14、The firstdistant crash of thunder shook the air.(遠處的第一聲霹靂震撼著天空。)
  • 15、He was exiled to adistant land.(他被放逐到一個很遠的地方。)
  • 16、I have adistant relative in this small town.(在這個小鎮(zhèn)上,我有一個遠親。)
  • 17、Thedistant thunder from the coast continued sporadically.(遠處海岸仍然零星地傳來雷聲。)
  • 18、The chirps of the garden birds soundeddistant.(花園的鳥鳴聽上去那樣的遙遠。)
  • 19、The telescope reveals manydistant stars to our sight.(望遠鏡把許多遙遠的星球顯現(xiàn)在我們的眼前。)
  • 20、The only sounds were thedistant, melancholy cries of the sheep.(惟一的聲音是遠處的羊群的哀叫。)
  • 21、Larry was exiled to adistant land.(拉里被放逐到一個很遠的地方。)
  • 22、Pat sounded very cold anddistant on the phone.(從電話里聽起來帕特非常冷淡和疏遠。)
  • 23、There was silence now except for thedistant sea, a slight zephyr stirring the trees.(現(xiàn)在,除了遙遠的海浪以外,一片寂靜,一陣微風搖曳著樹林。)
  • 24、Now the raft was passing before thedistant town.(現(xiàn)在木筏子正從那個遙遠的小鎮(zhèn)前面駛過。)
  • 25、The airport was about 20 kilometresdistant.(機場在大約20公里遠的地方。)
  • 26、Howdistant I am from everything!(我離萬物是多么遙遠!)
  • 27、He's adistant cousin of mine.(他是我遠房的一個表親。)
  • 28、At night, lights twinkle indistant cabins across the valleys.(晚上,燈光在山谷對面遠處的小木屋里閃爍。)
  • 29、He was mute,distant, and indifferent.(他緘默無言,對人疏遠而且冷漠。)



英 [?d?st?nt] 美 [?d?st?nt] 
副詞: distantly

