
更新時間:2025-03-09 12:03:42



  • 1、She ran up the stairs, herbare feet thudding on the wood.(她跑上樓梯,光腳在木頭上發(fā)出噔噔的聲音。)
  • 2、'Bear' and 'bare' are homophonous.(bear和bare是同音異形詞。)
  • 3、He tore at the meat with hisbare hands.(他只憑兩只手就要把肉撕碎。)
  • 4、They are seeking more funds but the cupboard isbare.(他們正在尋求更多的資金,然而根本找不到。)
  • 5、The flower-bed was not quitebare.(花壇并非完全光禿禿的。)
  • 6、His fridge wasbare apart from three very withered tomatoes.(他的冰箱里除了3個干癟的番茄之外什么也沒有。)
  • 7、You could seebare wood where the paint had flaked off.(油漆剝落處可以看見光禿禿的木頭。)
  • 8、The coffin lying before the altar wasbare, except for a single wreath of white roses.(擺在圣壇前的棺材上光禿禿的,只有一個白玫瑰花圈。)
  • 9、Mybare feet were soundless over the carpet.(我光腳踩在地毯上沒有聲音。)
  • 10、Thebare metal was sprayed with several coats of primer.(裸露的金屬被噴了幾層底漆。)
  • 11、He throttled the guard with hisbare hands.(他徒手掐死了衛(wèi)兵。)
  • 12、We only had thebare essentials in the way of equipment.(我們只有最基本的設(shè)備。)
  • 13、bare wires were sticking out of the cable.(電纜露出了裸線。)
  • 14、How can he when it's such a great,bare, dreary place?(那地方那么大,那么光禿禿的,那么可怕,他怎么會喜歡呢?)
  • 15、The fridge was completelybare.(電冰箱里什么也沒有。)
  • 16、She gave me only thebare facts of the case.(她只給我介紹了這個案件的一些基本情況。)
  • 17、I got in the habit of going around withbare feet.(我養(yǎng)成了打赤腳的習(xí)慣。)
  • 18、The hills above the valley arebare rock.(河谷上面的山是光禿禿的巖石。)
  • 19、There was a bit ofbare trunk showing in the middle.(中間有幾棵光禿禿的樹干。)
  • 20、The room remains simple withbare, stippled green walls.(房間仍然很簡樸,四面都是飾有圓點的綠色空墻。)
  • 21、She likes to walk around inbare feet.(她喜歡光著腳走來走去。)
  • 22、The room wasbare and empty.(房間空蕩蕩的。)
  • 23、He did thebare minimum of work but still passed the exam.(他只花了最少的工夫,卻仍然通過了考試。)
  • 24、Thieves had stripped the housebare.(竊賊把房子劫掠一空。)
  • 25、The family was short of even thebare necessities of life.(那家人甚至沒有最起碼的生活所需。)
  • 26、He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only thebare boards.(他用力扯去了地毯,只剩下裸露的地板。)
  • 27、The walls werebare except for a clock.(墻上除了一只掛鐘什么也沒有。)
  • 28、Every aspect of their private lives has been laidbare.(他們的私生活全面曝光了。)
  • 29、He was capable of killing a man with hisbare hands.(他赤手空拳就能取人性命。)
  • 30、The floor was draughtybare boards.(地板是有縫隙的裸板。)



英 [be?(r)] 美 [ber] 
比較級: barer 最高級: barest 名詞: bareness 過去式: bared 過去分詞: bared 現(xiàn)在分詞: baring 第三人稱單數(shù): bares


