
更新時間:2025-03-09 12:04:15



  • 1、unlucky wretch that I am!(我真倒霉!)
  • 2、He was veryunlucky not to win.(他不幸輸了。)
  • 3、Bring theunlucky child up!(把那個倒霉的孩子帶上來!)
  • 4、He has been anunlucky man.(他一直都是一個不走運的人。)
  • 5、You certainly wereunlucky to get that horrible illness.(你得了那種可怕的病當然是很不幸。)
  • 6、By someunlucky chance, her name was left off the list.(倒霉的是,名單上沒有她的名字。)
  • 7、unlucky in love, lucky at play.(情場失意,賭場得意。)
  • 8、You were justunlucky.(你只是運氣不太好。)
  • 9、We should express sympathy for the people who areunlucky, whether they are family members or complete strangers.(我們應該對不幸的人表示同情,無論他們是家人還是完全陌生的人。)
  • 10、It was quiteunlucky for anyone to be stolen from.(對任何人來說,失竊都是非常不幸的。)
  • 11、I'm just anunlucky guy.(我是個倒霉蛋。)
  • 12、Anunlucky fox fell into a well.(一只不走運的狐貍,失足掉到了井里。)
  • 13、We all felt (that) we wereunlucky to lose.(我們都認為我們輸了是運氣不好。)
  • 14、Some people think it isunlucky to walk under a ladder.(一些人認為在梯子下走會倒霉。)
  • 15、Some people think it'sunlucky to walk under a ladder.(有些人認為從梯子下面走過不吉利。)
  • 16、I was anunlucky nurse who had to work on such a beautiful festival.(我是一個倒霉的護士,不得不在這么美好的節(jié)日里工作。)
  • 17、You might be one of theunlucky few.(很可能這一不幸就會將落在你的頭上。)
  • 18、He's been veryunlucky that no chances have fallen to him.(他很不走運,沒有任何機會落到他身上。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 19、Thirteen is often considered anunlucky number.(十三常被認為是不吉利的數字。)
  • 20、Government supported the railroad industry; the progress railroads represented was not to be slowed down by requiring them often to pay damages to thoseunlucky enough to be hurt working for them.(政府支持鐵路行業(yè);鐵路所代表的進步不會因為要求他們經常向那些為他們工作而不幸受傷的人支付賠償金而減慢。)
  • 21、I'munlucky on the playing too.(我在玩耍方面也顯得十分倒霉。)
  • 22、So has BP just beenunlucky?(那么,BP僅僅是不走運嗎?)
  • 23、Remember: avoid the unhappy andunlucky.(記?。哼h離郁悶和不幸。)
  • 24、What anunlucky wretch I am!(我真是個倒霉蛋!)
  • 25、Curiously, she feels that she is theunlucky.(奇怪的是,她覺得自己是一個不幸運的人。)
  • 26、Maybe we three were the mostunlucky graduates in our school history.(也許我們三個是我們學校歷史上最不幸的畢業(yè)生。)
  • 27、They were widely perceived to have beenunlucky.(人們普遍認為他們的運氣不佳。)
  • 28、Another belief involving the number three has it that it isunlucky to light three cigarettes from the one match.(另一種與數字3有關的信仰認為,用一根火柴點燃三根香煙是不吉利的。)
  • 29、They are supporting both aged parents and unemployed young-adult children, earning them theunlucky nickname "Generation Squeeze".(他們既要贍養(yǎng)年邁的父母,又要撫養(yǎng)無業(yè)的年輕成年子女,這讓他們得到了一個不吉利的綽號:“受擠壓一代”。)
  • 30、Theunlucky Marionette, hearing this, began to cry and wail and beg.(不幸的木偶聽到這些話,開始又哭又嚎,然后乞求起來。)



英 [?n?l?ki] 美 [?n?l?ki] 
副詞: unluckily 比較級: unluckier 最高級: unluckiest 名詞: unluckiness
