1、This newhelmet manual draws on such examples.(這份新的頭盔手冊利用了這些實例。)
2、Normally these ventilators would be placed behind thehelmet so it wouldn't face the brunt of the blast.(通常情況下,這些通風器會被放置在頭盔后面,這樣就不會面對爆炸的正面沖擊。) [hao86.com好工具]
3、He pulled on a battered old crashhelmet with a scratched visor.(他戴上了一頂破舊的、面罩上已有劃痕的防護頭盔。)
4、Wear ahelmet while skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling.(在滑雪或者雪上摩托時要戴上頭盔。)
5、Al: Don't forget your puncture outfit and crashhelmet.(艾爾:別忘了帶爆胎裝備和護頭盔。)
6、"I'd never even thought of buying ahelmet," she says.(她說:“我從沒想過要買頭盔。”)
7、A 16-year-old boy's tendency to skateboard without ahelmet is very normal.(一個16歲的男孩玩滑板不戴頭盔是很正常的。)
8、In football, you wear ahelmet. In baseball you wear a cap!(打橄欖球,你得戴上一頂頭盔,而打棒球,你只需戴一頂帽子就行了。)
9、Hishelmet is marked 'MP', denoting Metropolitan police.(他頭盔上的標記為‘MP’,意味著他隸屬倫敦警察局。)
10、A man in a crashhelmet was mounting a motorcycle.(一個戴著防撞頭盔的男子正騎上一輛摩托車。)
11、You have to be careful with your motorcycle and always wear yourhelmet.(騎摩托車一定要小心,一定要帶頭盔。)
12、In May, Julie Nimmons, president of Schutt Sports in Illinois, successfully fought a lawsuit involving a football player who was paralyzed in a game while wearing a Schutthelmet.(今年5月,伊利諾伊州舒特體育公司的總裁朱莉·尼蒙斯成功打贏了一場訴訟,該訴訟涉及一名戴著舒特頭盔在比賽中癱瘓的足球運動員。)
13、Morpher is a bikehelmet made from plastics.(Morpher是一種由塑料制成的自行車頭盔。)
14、He donned work clothes and a wickerhelmet.(他穿上工作服,戴上柳條帽。)
15、He locked hishelmet into position with a click.(他喀噠一聲把頭盔扣好。)
16、The jury agreed that the nature of the game, not thehelmet, was the reason for the athlete's injury.(陪審團一致認為,運動員受傷的原因是比賽本身的性質(zhì),而不是頭盔。)
17、As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of lighthelmet designed to protect a wrestler"s ears.(比賽開始時,我吃驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)對方選手在摔跤時沒有戴頭盔,那是一種輕型的頭盔,用來保護摔跤選手的耳朵。)
18、They made a tiny vest andhelmet for her to wear.(他們給她做了一件小背心和頭盔。)
19、The sergeant of police took off hishelmet and wiped his forehead.(警官摘下頭盔,擦了擦前額。)
20、helmet stickers can also be used.(也可以使用安全帽貼紙。)
21、He waved back, put down the kickstand, and took off hishelmet.(他向后揮揮手,放下?lián)文_架,并脫掉他的頭盔。)
22、Boy: Can you take off myhelmet and put it on?(男孩:“你可以脫下我的頭盔并自己戴上嗎?”)
23、In Da Nang,helmet wearing increased from 27 to 99%.(在峴港市,頭盔佩戴率從原來的27%上升到99%。)
24、People hate to wear ahelmet because it's thick and heavy.(人們不喜歡戴頭盔,因為它又厚又重。)
25、Despite wearing ahelmet, Sateni lost consciousness.(盡管當時佩戴著頭盔,Sateni依然失去知覺。)
26、Be sure to have ahelmet on at building sites..(在建筑工地一定要戴上安全帽。)