again and again造句
更新時間:2025-03-23 12:34:06復制
again and again造句
1、She felt and looked at the clothagain and again and praised it.(她把布摸了又摸,看了又看,說這布不錯。)
2、We will need itagain and again.(我們將需要不斷提醒自己。)
3、The same changes took placeagain and again.(同樣的變化一再發(fā)生。)
4、This happensagain and again and again.(這種情況一而再,再而三地發(fā)生。)
5、My grandmother is so plain that she would sew up her worn-out clothes and wear themagain and again.(我的祖母非常之節(jié)儉,她會一次又一次地縫補她穿破了的衣服然后穿上。)
6、again and again, they closed upon him, andagain and again, he hewed a clear space.(他們一次又一次地向他逼近,他一次又一次地開辟出一片空地。)
7、All the way she tried to cheer him up by telling himagain and again of the coming summer days.(一路上,她一遍又一遍地告訴他夏天就要來了,想使他高興起來。)
8、again and again he called to his little friend, when suddenly he heard heavy steps approaching.(他一次又一次地呼喚他的小朋友,突然他聽到沉重的腳步聲向他走來。)
9、He hit the other boyagain and again as his friends egged him on.(他在朋友的煽動下一次又一次地打了另一個男孩。)
10、It is quite possible that these fluctuations, the huge increase and decrease of sulfur dioxide, happeningagain and again.(很有可能這些波動,二氧化硫的大量增加和減少,一次又一次地發(fā)生。)
11、"Sometimes, bad things happenagain and again, and we never understand why, "Michele said, wishing ther was something she could do to ease her pain.(“有時候,糟糕的事情會一次又一次地發(fā)生,我們永遠不知道為什么,”米歇爾說,希望她能做點什么來減輕她的痛苦。)
12、He would go over his workagain and again until he felt he had it right.(他會反復檢查他的工作直到他覺得準確無誤為止。)
13、They tryagain and again until they succeed.(他們一次又一次地嘗試,直到成功。)
14、After you triedagain and again and again, you understood how to walk.(在你試了一遍又一遍之后,你知道如何走路了。)
15、The same narrative units—gathering armies, heroic shields, challenges between rivals—pop upagain and again, only with different characters and different circumstances.(軍隊集結、英勇抵抗、對手間的爭斗,此類敘事單元不斷重復出現(xiàn),只有角色和場景發(fā)生變化。)
16、again and again, he darted in and pricked.(他一次又一次地沖進來刺他。)
17、As you practice, your brain sends "bike riding" messagesagain and again.(當你練習的時候,你的大腦會一遍又一遍地發(fā)送“騎自行車”的信息。)
18、Before she sitting on the chair, she took out some bumf and wiped the chairagain and again.(在她坐下之前,她拿出一些衛(wèi)生紙把座位擦了又擦。)
19、I read his articleagain and again, trying hard to understand what he was driving at but in vain.(我把他的文章讀了一遍又一遍,但對他的意圖仍百思不解。)
20、He pressed itagain and again.(他一次又一次地按下按鈕。)
21、I could return to themagain and again with the flip of a page.(我可以通過翻動書頁一遍又一遍地跟他們重復。)
22、If you just run your fingersagain and again over this floppy disk, you are disorienting those particles or knocking them off perhaps altogether.(如果你把手指一次次地在這張軟盤上滑動,你就會使這些粒子失去方向,或者可能會把它們全部敲掉。)
23、You should learn from insects when they try to cross a wall, they fall downagain and again until at some time they get success.(你應該向昆蟲學習,當它們試圖越過一堵墻時,它們會一次又一次地倒下,直到某個時候它們成功了。)
24、The monkey chases it awayagain and again.(猴子一再追著它。)
25、He made a promise of help, as I pleaded with himagain and again.(我再三央求,他才答應幫忙。)
26、They lieagain and again!(他們一而再再二三的撒謊。)
27、First, I played the pianoagain and again and I got better.(首先,通過一次次的演奏鋼琴,我的技藝有了提高。)
28、They fall, somersault, and get punchedagain and again.(他們一躍而下、連翻筋斗、一次次沖鋒。)
29、This is in contrast to selection sort where you're fishing lookingagain and again for the smallest element.(這與選擇排序形成了對比,在選擇排序中,你一次又一次地完成尋找最小的元素。)
30、He chalked his billiard cueagain and again.(他一再用白堊粉擦他的球桿尖。)