pull out造句
更新時(shí)間:2025-03-23 12:30:29復(fù)制
pull out造句
1、Those types of pressed wood boards are not very strong, and the screws of butt hinges tend topull out.(這些類型的壓制木板不是很牢固,而且對(duì)接鉸鏈的螺絲往往會(huì)拉出來。)
2、I like the pop you get when youpull out a cork.(我喜歡你拔出瓶塞時(shí)弄出的那“砰”的一聲。)
3、pull out my two front teeth!(拔掉我的兩個(gè)門牙!)
4、You had better get a doctor topull out your bad tooth.(你最好去看醫(yī)生把你的壞牙給拔了。)
5、The train began topull out of the station – then suddenly shuddered to a halt.(火車開始駛出車站–然后就突然劇烈震動(dòng)停了下來。)
6、The World Bank shouldpull out of the project.(世界銀行應(yīng)該退出這個(gè)項(xiàng)目。)
7、The project became so expensive that we had topull out.(這個(gè)項(xiàng)目變得耗資巨大,我們只得退出。)
8、Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure topull out of recession.(由于經(jīng)濟(jì)沒能擺脫衰退,英鎊遭受了重創(chuàng)。)
9、pull out your best jeans and most attractive tops.(拋開你漂亮的牛仔和最好的上裝。)
10、The drawer won'tpull out.(抽屜拉不開。)
11、The dealers see Frank's gun andpull out their own.(賣家們看到了弗蘭克的槍,他們也拔出了他們自己的槍。)
12、Can Nagasakipull out of the spiral?(長崎可以走出衰退的漩渦嗎?)
13、The reputation risk could give Nokia grounds topull out.(聲譽(yù)危機(jī)將使諾基亞找到撤出的理由。)
14、When you need a pick-me-up,pull out the album.(在你需要興奮一下的時(shí)候,把相冊拿出來看看。)
15、France was going topull out of NATO.(法國準(zhǔn)備退出北大西洋公約組織。)
16、We need topull out immediately.(謝拉夫.莫吉奧德說:“我們需要立即從伊拉克撤軍。)
17、Also,pull out your SIM card if your phone has one.(還有,別忘了把你的手機(jī)SIM卡拿出來,如果有的話。)
18、The two directors decided topull out.(兩位導(dǎo)演決定退出。)
19、You don't have topull out your stationery.(你不用把文具拿出來。)
20、The week before the deal was supposed to close, fifteen Japanese banks made a move topull out.(該交易本應(yīng)結(jié)束的前一周,15家日本銀行采取行動(dòng)撤出了。)
21、Nick carefullypull out the center pages.(尼克小心翼翼地抽出中間的幾頁。)
22、This time, for your very first work,pull out all the stops.(這一次,為了你的第一件作品,別打住。) 【hao86.com好工具】
23、Just reach into the powder andpull out your wrench.(把手伸到粉末里把你的扳手拿出來。)
24、pull out all of your clothes and put them on the bed.(把你所有的衣物都拿出來,放在床上。)
25、The militia in Lebanon has agreed topull out of Beirut.(黎巴嫩的民兵組織已經(jīng)同意撤出貝魯特。)
26、Peoplepull out their cell phones and record video.(人們拿出手機(jī)開始錄像。)