fall through造句
更新時間:2025-03-23 12:31:35復制
fall through造句
1、So if you want to know what it feels like tofall through the air.(所以,如果你想知道從空中墜落的滋味。)
2、Fixed:fall through effect between grid in Looting Menu.(修正:通過在搶劫菜單網格之間的效果。)
3、Wordsfall through me, And always fool me, And I can't react.(卻無法言說,常常讓我變得像傻瓜,我不知該如何回應你。)
4、Or, a property deal mayfall through because someone is being too intransigent and inflexible.(或者,地產交易可能告吹,因為有人過于強硬,缺乏彈性。)
5、What do you think are the chances this project willfall through?(你認為這個項目失敗的可能性有多大?)
6、Then you might imagine that a heavy object would take one second tofall through the water of a 10-foot-deep swimming pool.(然后你可以想象一個重物掉進一個10英尺深的游泳池只需要1秒鐘到底。)
7、Should theyfall through in their present plans, the consequences will be fatal.(他們現(xiàn)在的計劃一旦落空,后果將極為嚴重。)
8、From late spring through summer, it is rainy and hot; fromfall through winter, it is cooler and dry.(春末和夏季,這里多雨而炎熱;秋冬季節(jié),這里涼爽而干燥。)
9、If you are not in a small group, you are skating on thin ice and you don’t know when you mightfall through.(如果你沒有在一個小集體里,那么,你的生活將會如履薄冰,你不知道何時會落入水中。)
10、No matter what deal you have going on, assume it willfall through.(所以不管你此刻在談什么合同,都先假定它會簽不下來的吧。)
11、Weiss, who adds that this is the first time he has seen a jobfall through at such a late stage of the process.(威斯補充說,這是他第一次看到工作崗位在招聘過程如此晚的階段被取消。)
12、And wordsfall through me and always fool me. Aan I can't react.(所有的承諾都是在欺騙我。我不知道如何回應。)
13、At YC one of our secondary mantras is "Dealsfall through."(在YC公司,我們排行第二的咒語就是:合同崩了。) 【hao86.com好工具】
14、After being rejected by one co-op board and having two other offers on co-opsfall through, they decided to look for a condo.(在被一家合作公寓拒絕后有因為其他兩家合作公寓合同的落空,他們決定去尋找一下分戶銷售的公寓。)
15、No problem. I know when I'm busy, thingsfall through the cracks all the time. Well, I have time now.(讓我們聽一聽。嘿,你有時間看我的筆記嗎?噢,你的筆記。對不起,我太忙了,你的筆記掉落破裂了。)
16、It was several years before someone came up with the idea of removing the bottom of the basket and letting the ballfall through.(過了好幾年,才有人想出把籃筐底部去掉,再讓球掉下去的主意。)
17、If Mittal manages to buy more than 50% of Arcelor shares by the time the tender offer expires, the Severstal deal willfall through.(如果米塔爾在標購到期之前能夠收購阿塞洛超過50%的股票,阿塞洛與謝韋爾的合并案就會化為泡影。)
18、At the end of the washing cycle, the outer drum is halted and the beadsfall through the slot; some 99.95% of them are collected.(在洗衣的最后環(huán)節(jié),外層的洗衣缸停止運轉使得珠子掉落到狹縫中;他們中的99.5%將會被收集。)
19、There is still a risk that the whole deal willfall through.(整樁買賣化為泡影的風險仍然存在。)
20、They usually don't People can be unreliable, deals canfall through, and shit will always happen.(人有不可靠的,買賣有化為泡影的,倒霉之事總要發(fā)生的。)
21、The gap is wide enough for a country like Greece tofall through.(這種互信和理解上的巨大差距足以讓類似希臘的一些歐盟國家陷入萬劫不復的境地。)
22、And once you have them set up, important plans stillfall through the cracks.(而且設置好過濾器以后,重要的行程計劃仍然會丟失。)
23、Fixed: Gameplay - Character mayfall through game environment after leaving the minibike.(修正:游戲—字符可能會通過游戲環(huán)境后留下的小型摩托車。)
24、You'dfall through the plaster.(你會從灰泥板上摔下去的。)
25、Roering also markets a version that's used by rescue personnel to safely and quickly retrieve people whofall through thin ice.(洛伊爾還有個市場定位,這還可以用于救援人員快速安全的救出掉入薄冰中的人。)