
answer for造句

answer for造句

更新時間:2025-03-23 12:32:02復制

answer for造句

    1、Lets figure out theanswer for it.(讓我們來找出這個問題的答案。)

    2、Find out theanswer for yourself.(你得為自己尋找答案。) Hao86.com

    3、You shouldanswer for what you said.(你應該對你所說的話負責。)

    4、Quite frankly, I do not have a directanswer for you.(相當坦率地說,我沒有一個直接的答案給你。)

    5、I willanswer for my friend.(我要替我的朋友回答。)

    6、Easyanswer for most installations.(對大多數(shù)安裝設置的簡單回答。)

    7、Again, there is not oneanswer for every scenario.(同樣,沒有一個答案適用所有場景。)

    8、I agree, but I can'tanswer for my colleagues.(我同意,但是我不能代表我同事們的意見。)

    9、I willanswer for it that he will accomplish the task.(我保證他能完成這項任務。)

    10、You'll have toanswer for where every dollar goes.(你取用的每一塊美元都得賬目清楚。)

    11、Come straightway back with me before his worship, andanswer for the crime!(馬上跟我回來,到他的面前,為他的罪行負責!)

    12、I didn't have a readyanswer for this dilemma.(我沒有現(xiàn)成的答案來解決這個進退兩難的問題。)

    13、Not the definitiveanswer for which I was hoping.(這不是我要的確切答案。)

    14、So, what's the bestanswer for portable app users?(所以,什么是對便攜應用用戶最好的回答?)

    15、I cananswer for her honesty.(我可以擔保她為人誠實。)

    16、Off-grid is theanswer for the poor.(對窮人而言,答案就在脫離電網(wǎng)。)

    17、There was noanswer for one question.(但是有一個問題卻無解。)

    18、He must be made toanswer for his terrible crimes.(必須讓他為他的深重罪行付出代價。)

    19、You will have toanswer for your behaviour one day.(總有一天你要因你的行為承擔責任。)

    20、We may not know theanswer for months, even years.(我們或許不知道,答案要好幾個月,甚至幾十年才能揭曉。)

    21、Who has ananswer for Jenny?(誰對珍妮做一個回答?)

    22、I willanswer for her safety.(我將對她的安全負責。)

    23、This is a question that only you cananswer for yourself.(這是一個只有你自己才能回答的問題。)

    24、The prime minister has much toanswer for.(首相大人還有更多的問題需要答復。)

    25、No mere ferule willanswer for this offence.(這種冒失不能僅僅用戒尺來處理。)

    26、It is all your fault, and you mustanswer for it.(這都是你的過錯,所以你要回答它。)

    27、There are two parts to theanswer for this question.(要分兩部分回答這個問題。)

    28、I have noanswer for that.(我沒有答案。)

answer for基本釋義

answer for

英 [?ɑ:ns? f?:] 美 [??ns? f?r] 
