1、This actually can be really really nice, if youhitch yourself to the right partner.(如果你嫁對了人,這實(shí)際上是件很美好的事。)
2、hitch up my carriage, let me ask him for longer time to pay back the loan.(給我把車套好,我去求他把欠款期限延長幾天。)
3、All the candidates are able to answer the questions without anyhitch.(所有報(bào)考者都能對答如流。)
4、Do we need to be so wary both tohitch and to give a lift?(對于搭便車和讓別人搭車的情況,我們都需要如此小心嗎?)
5、A last-minutehitch?(最后一關(guān)?)
6、It is a shame tohitch up your trousers before the public.(當(dāng)著眾人的面向上拉起褲子是丟人的行為。)
7、China's first planetary probe, the tiny Yinghuo-1 orbiter, will alsohitch a ride to Mars with Phobos-Grunt.(中國的第一個行星探測器,小小的“螢火一號”軌道飛行器,也將搭乘“福布斯-格朗特”號飛船前往火星。)
8、It was done without ahitch.(事情辦得相當(dāng)順手。)
9、But, for Polidori, there was ahitch.(然而波里道利卻在這里遇到了一個麻煩。)
10、"Officially the bighitch is pricing," Dadwal said.(官方的一大障礙是價(jià)格。)
11、Tohitch her rags above her ankles.(把那些破布拉到腳踝上面。)
12、But in stars bigger than 100 solar masses or so, there's ahitch.(但是對于比太陽大100倍左右的恒星,則是另外一個問題了。)
13、Onehitch — the buyer had no intention of paying.(然后最意外的事情發(fā)生了,買家并沒有付款的意思。)
14、The rest are allhitch-hikers, mainly harmless bacteria that have evolved with us.(其它的都是搭便車的生物,主要是一些與我們共生的無害細(xì)菌。)
15、Thehitch is that they show few signs of wanting to help out.(問題是他們沒有顯示任何想要提出幫助的跡象。)
16、I only want tohitch a ride home.(我只是想免費(fèi)搭便車回家。)
17、The ceremony went off without ahitch.(儀式進(jìn)行得很順利。)
18、The question is: where is thehitch?(問題是:隱藏的絆腳石在哪兒?) Hao86.com
19、He heard thehitch of her breath in her chest.(他似乎聽到她胸口的呼吸在凝滯。)
20、I'll justhitch a ride with you to the East Coast, fly back on a commercial flight.(我只要跟你一起搭那架飛機(jī)去東海岸,然后坐商務(wù)航班回來。)
21、It took about 20 minutes to upload but ultimately posted without ahitch.(我們花了20分鐘來上傳這個視頻,最終視頻還是順利的發(fā)布出來了。)
22、This all sounds very promising for Changyou, but there's ahitch, and it's cultural.(這樣看來,暢游公司的前景似乎一片明朗。但是,這之中還有一個障礙--文化。)
23、Thehitch is that the multilateral route has, so far, achieved little.(但問題是,多邊途徑現(xiàn)在取得的成果甚微。)
24、It is only when youhitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you will realize your true potential.(只有當(dāng)你把你的馬車套在比你自己更大的東西上時(shí),你才會意識到你真正的潛力。)