1、He promised toconfine his group to the left side of the river for the rest of the day.(他保證接下來他的木筏會限制在河道左邊活動。)
2、In the U.K., Murdoch did notconfine himself to tabloids.(在英國,默多克也沒有局限于小報。)
3、A multiline insurance company insures many different kinds of things and doesn'tconfine itself to one thing.(多線保險公司為多種事故提供保險,而不是局限于某一種事故。)
4、confine SFTP users to their own home directories by using Chroot SSHD.(使用ChrootSSHD將SFTP用戶局限于其自己的主目錄。)
5、He did notconfine himself to the one language.(他沒把自己局限于這一門語言。)
6、Our forecasts are coming out next week, so I willconfine myself today to broad trends.(由于我們會在下周得出預測結果,因此我今天僅想講一下總體趨勢。)
7、confine the use of insecticides to the evening and do not spray plants that are in flower.(只限晚間使用殺蟲劑,并且不要對花期植物噴藥。)
8、We'llconfine our discussion to the main issue.(我們將只討論主要問題。)
9、They're manacles thatconfine the vulnerable and tender flesh of the body.(它們是束縛脆弱柔軟的血肉之軀的鐐銬。)
10、There are more, but I'llconfine my examples to these fields to keep them readable.(還有更多,但是,為便于閱讀,所舉示例中僅應用這些字段。)
11、We cannot in a wayconfine ourself that these are the ultimate dates that we may arrive to a final conclusion.(我們無法局限自己,說這些就是我們可能最后得出結論的日期。)
12、A unique, free spirit in charge of her own destiny... completely immune to the forces that attempt toconfine her.(這是一個獨特而自由的靈魂,掌管著自己的命運。那些束縛她的人或事對她全然無效。)
13、In this article, weconfine ourselves to 2d plots, since they are the most common.(在本文中,我們僅限于2d繪圖,因為它們是最常見的。)
14、Risk does not, of course,confine itself only to the troubled bits of the globe.(當然了,風險不會僅僅局限于地球上的一些動蕩不安的角落。)
15、Sitcoms, for instance, usuallyconfine all of their action to less than three recurring locations.(比如,情景劇通常將劇情循環(huán)限定在三個以下的地點。)
16、confine pets to the safest location possible and make sure they have plenty of food and water.(在盡可能安全的地方安置寵物,并放置足夠的食物和水。)
17、Don'tconfine yourself, go explore.(不要禁錮你自己,去嘗試新生活吧!)
18、It is sad to see a countyconfine its activities to undignified public bickering.(看到一個國家的活動離不開豪無尊嚴的公開爭吵是令人痛心的。)
19、We willconfine ourselves to saying that the love of Fantine was a first love, a sole love, a faithful love.(我們只說芳汀的愛是初次的愛,專一的愛,真誠的愛。)
20、Judges may be trained toconfine themselves to the legally relevant facts before them.(法官們可能在訓練自己在一定的相關法律證據面前的自我約束能力。)
21、The choice is always ours whether weconfine ourselves to our self-made fear or seek understanding about the true nature of our worries.(選擇在于我們是把自己禁閉在自我設定的焦慮之中,還是努力找出我們焦慮的實質是什么。)
22、Let usconfine ourselves to prayer, when we think that a danger is approaching us.(我們在危險臨頭時,只應禱告上帝。)
23、I willconfine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916.(我將把自己考察的范圍限定在1900年至1916年這段時間以內。)
24、But if I wouldconfine myself just to stocks and bonds, then I would get a much higher standard deviation.(但若組合里只有股票和債券,我的標準差會高得多。) (好工具hao86.com)
25、It's a good practice to use the as much as possible toconfine untrusted external contents.(盡可能多地限制不可信的外部內容是一個良好的實踐。)
26、They say that humans only use 10% of their brain capacity. There's no reason for humans toconfine machines to the same fate.(據說人類只使用了其腦容量的10%,那么人類沒有任何理由將機器限制在同樣的范圍內。)